Sheldon Whitehouse has earned a reputation in the Senate as a fierce advocate for progressive values and a thoughtful legislator capable of reaching across the aisle to achieve bipartisan solutions.
Senator Whitehouse has been at the center of bipartisan efforts to pass laws overhauling federal education policy, rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, reforming the criminal and juvenile justice systems, protecting Americans from toxic chemicals in everyday products, and addressing ocean plastic waste.
Recognizing the devastating toll of addiction in Rhode Island and across the nation, Whitehouse authored the first significant bipartisan law to address the opioid crisis, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act.
Too many families do not feel financially secure, despite working hard every day. I am fighting to ensure economic security for all Rhode Islanders and to give our children a world-class public education, including the opportunity to go to college without taking on crushing debt.
As I meet Rhode Islanders across the state, I hear repeatedly that the rules of our economy are increasingly stacked to benefit the wealthy and well-connected. I have always championed proposals to grow the middle class by increasing wages, providing workplace benefits, and ensuring that middle-class families get a tax break while multi-million-dollar earners pay a fair share.
We need to modernize Rhode Island’s economy, attract new jobs, and help small businesses grow. We also need to protect Narragansett Bay, which is an integral part of our economy.
It’s past time to make much-needed investments in rebuilding our infrastructure to make our public works safer and more durable, and to better respond to challenges like sea level rise and extreme weather. I’m working to create well-paying design and construction jobs and modernize our infrastructure efficiently and sustainably.
Rhode Islanders who work hard ought to be able to look forward to a comfortable and rewarding retirement. I will do everything in my power to ensure that Social Security remains the bedrock of American retirement security for generations to come. We also need to do more to help workers save, so they have enough money to truly enjoy their golden years.
We need to strengthen our nation's public schools and ensure that all children have access to a first-rate education. In addition, we need to make college more affordable and to help students, parents, and graduates overcome crushing student loan debt.