Sheldon Whitehouse has earned a reputation in the Senate as a fierce advocate for progressive values and a thoughtful legislator capable of reaching across the aisle to achieve bipartisan solutions.
Senator Whitehouse has been at the center of bipartisan efforts to pass laws overhauling federal education policy, rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, reforming the criminal and juvenile justice systems, protecting Americans from toxic chemicals in everyday products, and addressing ocean plastic waste.
Recognizing the devastating toll of addiction in Rhode Island and across the nation, Whitehouse authored the first significant bipartisan law to address the opioid crisis, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act.
Every Rhode Islander deserves high-quality, affordable health care. The Affordable Care Act brought health insurance to millions of Americans, but there is still work to be done to lower costs and improve results. We need to build on the ACA and protect and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid to ensure that Rhode Islanders are healthy and financially secure.
Passage of the Affordable Care Act was a watershed moment for improving access to health care. I will continue to oppose cynical attempts to repeal or weaken the law. Here are some of the ways that the Affordable Care Act is working for Rhode Island:
Generations of American workers have counted on Medicare to help pay for health care in retirement. Workers pay into the system knowing it will be there for them when they need it. To protect this promise, I am fighting for reforms to Medicare that would bring down costs and improve care, while protecting benefits for seniors.
Millions of Americans suffer from mental illness and substance abuse, and too many lack access to treatment. I am working to ensure that patients have mental health care coverage, and to combat the opioid drug epidemic that has gripped Rhode Island families from all walks of life.
Federal investments in medical research benefit Rhode Island's first-rate academic and research institutions, bolster local economies, and advance life-saving treatments.
I am proud of Rhode Island’s leadership in delivering excellent, innovative health care. I’m working with our state's health care professionals and across the aisle in the Senate to support Rhode Island's role as a national leader in improving the delivery of care.
If your employer doesn't offer affordable health insurance, you may be eligible to sign up for coverage through Rhode Island's state-based health insurance marketplace, HealthSource RI.
Customers can sign up or renew coverage online at or over the phone at 1-855-840-4774. Visit HealthSource RI's savings calculator to find out if you are eligible for financial assistance.
Too many families do not feel financially secure, despite working hard every day. I am fighting to ensure economic security for all Rhode Islanders and to give our children a world-class public education, including the opportunity to go to college without taking on crushing debt.
As I meet Rhode Islanders across the state, I hear repeatedly that the rules of our economy are increasingly stacked to benefit the wealthy and well-connected. I have always championed proposals to grow the middle class by increasing wages, providing workplace benefits, and ensuring that middle-class families get a tax break while multi-million-dollar earners pay a fair share.
We need to modernize Rhode Island’s economy, attract new jobs, and help small businesses grow. We also need to protect Narragansett Bay, which is an integral part of our economy.
It’s past time to make much-needed investments in rebuilding our infrastructure to make our public works safer and more durable, and to better respond to challenges like sea level rise and extreme weather. I’m working to create well-paying design and construction jobs and modernize our infrastructure efficiently and sustainably.
Rhode Islanders who work hard ought to be able to look forward to a comfortable and rewarding retirement. I will do everything in my power to ensure that Social Security remains the bedrock of American retirement security for generations to come. We also need to do more to help workers save, so they have enough money to truly enjoy their golden years.
We need to strengthen our nation's public schools and ensure that all children have access to a first-rate education. In addition, we need to make college more affordable and to help students, parents, and graduates overcome crushing student loan debt.
As a member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and cofounder of the Senate Climate Action Task Force, I'm fighting for smart solutions to address climate change and position Rhode Island as a leader in the clean energy economy. I also helped form the bipartisan Senate Oceans Caucus to protect our ocean and coasts for generations to come.
Rhode Islanders see the effects of climate change all around us, from rising sea levels to stronger storms. Climate change poses one of the greatest threats to our economy and national security, which is why I have been steadfast in fighting for legislation to cut carbon pollution and prepare our communities for the effects we know will come.
Smart energy policy can help combat climate change and boost our local economy. Wind power, for example, produces no carbon pollution and supports jobs that can’t be sent overseas. I am working to promote clean energy solutions for our country, and to support this growing industry in Rhode Island.
Our oceans and coasts define our economy and way of life in Rhode Island. The docks of Galilee are home to fishermen whose families have made their living from the sea for generations, and our beloved Narragansett Bay is Rhode Island’s most important natural resource. Tourists travel to the Ocean State every summer to enjoy our beautiful beaches. We have a responsibility to maintain our ocean and Bay today and for generations to come.
Our government's most sacred responsibility is keeping Americans safe. As the son and grandson of Foreign Service officers, I recognize that the United States is, and must remain, a great force for peace in the world. That means working alongside our international partners and using all of our strengths, from our economy to our military, to build a safer and more secure future. The U.S. is increasingly under threat from hackers and other criminals online, and protecting Americans from cyberattacks, disinformation, and other forms of internet-enabled foreign interference must be a national security priority.
We owe our service members and their families a great debt of gratitude, and we need to support them in meaningful and lasting ways. I am working hard to ensure that our troops have everything they need for success in their missions and when they return home.
The Digital Age has transformed our economy through the surge of innovative technologies and companies. While this period of rapid technological change has brought many benefits, it has also opened lines of attack from hostile nations and criminals. In this new environment, we need to make sure the government has the resources and expertise to secure its own networks; works to reinforce cybersecurity norms across the international community; and facilitates the cooperation between public and private sectors needed to defend our critical infrastructure.
As former Attorney General and United States Attorney for Rhode Island, I am committed to supporting law enforcement officers, reforming our criminal justice system, and ensuring that all Americans have fair access to our courts. Serving on the Senate Judiciary Committee, I have worked on commonsense measures to address the opioid scourge, strengthen gun safety laws, update sentencing in the federal prison system, and protect the sacred right to vote. I have also led the fight to fix our broken campaign finance system to prevent powerful interests from anonymously influencing our elections, and have worked to highlight the threat posed to our national security by foreign kleptocrats – leaders who use their power for personal profit – and their U.S.-based enablers.
Rhode Island has demonstrated that reducing prison populations can go hand-in-hand with keeping ex-offenders out of trouble after their release. I have drawn on that example to enact changes to the federal juvenile and adult correctional systems, which have improved programs for rehabilitating inmates and preparing them to re-enter society as productive citizens. Making sure that those who have served their time have the skills to succeed when released protects public safety and saves taxpayer dollars in the long run.
All Americans deserve to be treated fairly, regardless of who they are or where they come from. I am committed to ensuring that the court system lives up to the promise of liberty and justice for all.
In 2010, the disastrous Citizens United decision ushered in an era of unlimited corporate spending in elections. Under today's rules, billionaires can spend enormous sums to sway elections without the public knowing who they are and why they’re seeking to influence the government. We need vastly stronger campaign finance laws to ensure that dark-money interests do not drown out the voices of American voters.