The Alabama public has voted to elect Republican Congressman Mo Brooks to public office 14 times. As such, Mo Brooks has successfully helped carry the GOP banner in general elections more than any other current Alabama office-holder. The public has elected Mo Brooks five times as a state legislator, four times as a Madison County Commissioner, and six times as a U.S. Congressman.
The Tennessee Valley, home to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, is the birthplace of America’s space program. Marshall continues to be the leader in developing the space systems America needs to journey into low Earth orbit, the moon, and beyond. Congressman Brooks, through his membership on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, fights for NASA and America’s preeminence in space.
After many years of neglect by the Obama Administration, Congressman Brooks has a renewed sense of optimism for the space program under the Trump Administration. Congressman Brooks strives to ensure that these programs remain on a steady path to success. He was excited to see the Trump Administration prioritize deep space exploration in its first year budget request, demonstrating that he has the full intention of challenging America’s space program to reach farther into space than ever before through the use of vehicles like the Space Launch System and Orion.
Congressman Brooks knows that there is more work to do to ensure the preeminence of our nation’s space program. That is why he is committed to doing whatever is necessary to promote our nation’s space objectives via Congressional hearings, meetings, and letters to key appropriators, and will continue to monitor NASA’s progress on these critical programs.
For more information concerning my work and views on NASA issues, please contact my Washington, DC office.