The Alabama public has voted to elect Republican Congressman Mo Brooks to public office 14 times. As such, Mo Brooks has successfully helped carry the GOP banner in general elections more than any other current Alabama office-holder. The public has elected Mo Brooks five times as a state legislator, four times as a Madison County Commissioner, and six times as a U.S. Congressman.
The Tennessee Valley is fortunate to enjoy a strong agriculture industry. Unfortunately, in recent years, farmers have been burdened by unnecessary federal regulations that weaken their ability to compete in the competitive global marketplace. Congressman Brooks supports reductions in job-killing regulations that threaten America’s agriculture industry, weakening America’s preeminent global status.
National Defense is the number one responsibility of the Federal government, and the technological advantage our troops have in the field today is due to investments in R&D from years past. Congressman Brooks believes we must continue to commit the resources necessary to maintain our advantage in the field over any potential enemy of the future.
Congressman Brooks founded and co-chairs the Army Aviation Caucus, which has the mission of assuring Army Aviation has the support needed to successfully perform current and future missions. The bi-partisan Caucus is made up of more than 40 members and meets an average of once a month. In addition to educational sessions, the Caucus has sent letters to the Administration asking for clarification on several issues and is a great avenue for community and military involvement.
As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman Brooks helps maintain robust funding for defense generally and missile defense programs, in particular. Brooks also advocates for the Tennessee Valley’s expertise in advanced hypersonic, directed energy technology, and cyber security.
For more information concerning Defense and National Security, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.
Congressman Brooks is fortunate to have a mother, wife, and two daughters on which he can draw considerable insight on education issues. The Congressman’s mother taught economics and government at Lee High School in Huntsville. Before retiring in 2010, Congressman Brooks’ wife taught 7th and 8th grade math at Whitesburg Middle School in Huntsville,. And his two daughters majored in elementary education in college and have taught in elementary schools in California, Utah, and South Carolina.
Congressman Brooks believes that education of America’s young people is of the utmost importance and local government governs best. Further, he strongly believe parents, school board members, and local superintendents are vastly better at setting K-12 education policy than is the federal government. In accord with this view on education, in Congress Congressman Brooks seek to do two things. First, he supports repealing all federal government K-12 mandates that force education tax dollars to be diverted from teaching kids to testing, paper pushing, and the like. Second, he supports sending federal K-12 funds to local and state governing officials with no strings attached and without paying for the federal side of the expensive paper pushing bureaucracy, thereby leaving more funds for classroom teachers.
America’s growing debt is one of the most pressing issues facing our nation. How we respond to America’s growing annual deficits and accumulated debt, appropriations bills to fund the government, the debt ceiling, and how these issues interplay will significantly impact America’s future. The process of reducing debt is not one that can happen overnight, but Washington must wake up and begin addressing this issue immediately.
From day one in office, Congressman Brooks has fought to preserve the long-term financial health of our nation. Brooks has repeatedly called on Congress to cut spending in a major way, and has consistently supported financially responsible, non-defense, spending cuts with his votes. This Congress, Brooks introduced H.R. 3835, Protecting America's Solvency Act, which would only allow for the debt limit of the United States to be raised if Congress passes a Balanced Budget Amendment.
For more information concerning Budget/National Debt issues, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.
Energy policy should promote free markets solutions that balance supply and demand in order to ensure dependable energy production for today and future generations. Congressman Brooks believes that our nation’s energy policy should be based on sensible solutions instead of burdensome regulations.
In 2015, Congressman Brooks was honored with the Healthcare Leadership Council’s “Champion of Healthcare Innovation” award, recognizing his ongoing support of patient-centered medical progress. In January of this year, for the first time, Congress passed a broad repeal of Obamacare and sent it to the President’s desk. Although the measure was vetoed by the President and Congress fell short of the two-thirds majority necessary to override the veto, Congressman Brooks remains committed to ending the harm caused by this disastrous law and will continue working to repeal Obamacare and replace it with measures that empower patients, families, and doctors.
For more information concerning Health issues, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.
Congressman Brooks consistently receives the highest rating in Congress from NumbersUSA on border security issues for his fight to stop illegal immigration. He is one of the most prominent advocates for a return to the rule of law to fix the immigration crisis that has plagued our nation for several decades.
Congressman Brooks believes that illegal immigration is a direct threat to our national sovereignty. Because no nation can exist without borders, Congressman Brooks fully supports President Trump’s central campaign promise to build a wall on our Southern Border. In the 115th Congress, Representatives Brooks introduced legislation to fund the border wall, the El Chapo Act (H.R. 2186), that would use funds seized from drug cartels to pay for the border wall.
Congressman Brooks understands that strictly upholding America’s laws against illegal immigration will make America safer from violent crime. That is why he is a sponsor of Kate’s Law, Grant’s Law, and the Davis-Oliver Act, which seek to empower law enforcement and prosecutors by providing them with the necessary tools to crack down on illegal immigrant and prevent criminal reentry.
Congressman Brooks believes the federal government has been derelict in its border protection and immigration duties with both short- and long-term adverse effects. Illegal aliens receive free health care at America’s hospitals, driving up health care costs and delaying emergency room care for American citizens. Illegal aliens get free K-12 education, driving up education costs by requiring more English as a Second Language instructors and reducing funds for American citizens. Illegal aliens take jobs in the blue collar trades, causing wage suppression and denying jobs for American workers. Congressman Brooks supports and will vote for any substantive measure that removes illegal aliens from America.
For more information concerning immigration issues, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.
The Tennessee Valley, home to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, is the birthplace of America’s space program. Marshall continues to be the leader in developing the space systems America needs to journey into low Earth orbit, the moon, and beyond. Congressman Brooks, through his membership on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, fights for NASA and America’s preeminence in space.
After many years of neglect by the Obama Administration, Congressman Brooks has a renewed sense of optimism for the space program under the Trump Administration. Congressman Brooks strives to ensure that these programs remain on a steady path to success. He was excited to see the Trump Administration prioritize deep space exploration in its first year budget request, demonstrating that he has the full intention of challenging America’s space program to reach farther into space than ever before through the use of vehicles like the Space Launch System and Orion.
Congressman Brooks knows that there is more work to do to ensure the preeminence of our nation’s space program. That is why he is committed to doing whatever is necessary to promote our nation’s space objectives via Congressional hearings, meetings, and letters to key appropriators, and will continue to monitor NASA’s progress on these critical programs.
For more information concerning my work and views on NASA issues, please contact my Washington, DC office.
As a former four-time elected legislator and four-time elected county commissioner, Congressman Brooks understands that transportation infrastructure is critically important for the Tennessee Valley’s economy. Congressman Brooks supports a highway transportation bill that pays for itself without adding to the deficit. Highways are essential to commerce, our growing economy, and the safety of Alabamians.
For more information concerning Transportation, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.
Taking care of our veterans is of utmost importance. Alabama's Fifth Congressional District contributes heavily to America's defense and, hence, has a large veteran population. Congressman Brooks works hard to help our veterans in the same way they have helped fight for America.
Brooks is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, which provides limited oversight of veterans matters.
For more information concerning Veteran's issues, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.
The Arrest Statistics Reporting Act does two simple but important things: First, it allows arrest reports already sent to the FBI by state and local governments to include the best known immigration status of the arrestee. Second, it requires the federal government to publish immigration crime statistics in the FBI's annual crime reports.
The Arrest Statistics Reporting Act is supported by NumbersUSA, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Eagle Forum, the National Citizenship & Immigration Council, the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, and the National Border Patrol Council.
To emphasize the gravity of America's debt burden, over the next few weeks, Congressman Brooks will be giving a series of addresses on the House floor, highlighting “bad example” countries such as Greece who are reaping the consequences of financially irresponsible leadership, and calling on America to balance the budget before it is too late.
Currently our nation is facing a complex set of issues. How we respond to America’s growing annual deficits and accumulated debt, appropriations bills to fund the government, the debt ceiling, and how these issues interplay will significantly impact America’s future.
House Republicans inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit in 2011 and successfully cut annual deficits every year since winning the House in 2010 (to a still dangerous but much better $439 billion by 2015). However, newly released data from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects Fiscal Year 2016’s deficit will worsen by $105 billion (the first deterioration since Republicans won the House in 2010) and that America will blow through the $29 trillion debt mark in a decade, in large part because Congress passed a trillion dollar Omnibus spending bill that adds tens of billions of dollars to FY 2016’s deficit. The CBO warns that, absent correction, America’s debt service costs will increase by $600 billion per year within a decade . . . roughly what America spends on national defense!