The Alabama public has voted to elect Republican Congressman Mo Brooks to public office 14 times. As such, Mo Brooks has successfully helped carry the GOP banner in general elections more than any other current Alabama office-holder. The public has elected Mo Brooks five times as a state legislator, four times as a Madison County Commissioner, and six times as a U.S. Congressman.
Congressman Brooks consistently receives the highest rating in Congress from NumbersUSA on border security issues for his fight to stop illegal immigration. He is one of the most prominent advocates for a return to the rule of law to fix the immigration crisis that has plagued our nation for several decades.
Congressman Brooks believes that illegal immigration is a direct threat to our national sovereignty. Because no nation can exist without borders, Congressman Brooks fully supports President Trump’s central campaign promise to build a wall on our Southern Border. In the 115th Congress, Representatives Brooks introduced legislation to fund the border wall, the El Chapo Act (H.R. 2186), that would use funds seized from drug cartels to pay for the border wall.
Congressman Brooks understands that strictly upholding America’s laws against illegal immigration will make America safer from violent crime. That is why he is a sponsor of Kate’s Law, Grant’s Law, and the Davis-Oliver Act, which seek to empower law enforcement and prosecutors by providing them with the necessary tools to crack down on illegal immigrant and prevent criminal reentry.
Congressman Brooks believes the federal government has been derelict in its border protection and immigration duties with both short- and long-term adverse effects. Illegal aliens receive free health care at America’s hospitals, driving up health care costs and delaying emergency room care for American citizens. Illegal aliens get free K-12 education, driving up education costs by requiring more English as a Second Language instructors and reducing funds for American citizens. Illegal aliens take jobs in the blue collar trades, causing wage suppression and denying jobs for American workers. Congressman Brooks supports and will vote for any substantive measure that removes illegal aliens from America.
For more information concerning immigration issues, please contact Congressman Brooks' Washington, DC office.