The Alabama public has voted to elect Republican Congressman Mo Brooks to public office 14 times. As such, Mo Brooks has successfully helped carry the GOP banner in general elections more than any other current Alabama office-holder. The public has elected Mo Brooks five times as a state legislator, four times as a Madison County Commissioner, and six times as a U.S. Congressman.
Congressman Brooks is fortunate to have a mother, wife, and two daughters on which he can draw considerable insight on education issues. The Congressman’s mother taught economics and government at Lee High School in Huntsville. Before retiring in 2010, Congressman Brooks’ wife taught 7th and 8th grade math at Whitesburg Middle School in Huntsville,. And his two daughters majored in elementary education in college and have taught in elementary schools in California, Utah, and South Carolina.
Congressman Brooks believes that education of America’s young people is of the utmost importance and local government governs best. Further, he strongly believe parents, school board members, and local superintendents are vastly better at setting K-12 education policy than is the federal government. In accord with this view on education, in Congress Congressman Brooks seek to do two things. First, he supports repealing all federal government K-12 mandates that force education tax dollars to be diverted from teaching kids to testing, paper pushing, and the like. Second, he supports sending federal K-12 funds to local and state governing officials with no strings attached and without paying for the federal side of the expensive paper pushing bureaucracy, thereby leaving more funds for classroom teachers.