The Alabama public has voted to elect Republican Congressman Mo Brooks to public office 14 times. As such, Mo Brooks has successfully helped carry the GOP banner in general elections more than any other current Alabama office-holder. The public has elected Mo Brooks five times as a state legislator, four times as a Madison County Commissioner, and six times as a U.S. Congressman.
To emphasize the gravity of America's debt burden, over the next few weeks, Congressman Brooks will be giving a series of addresses on the House floor, highlighting “bad example” countries such as Greece who are reaping the consequences of financially irresponsible leadership, and calling on America to balance the budget before it is too late.
Currently our nation is facing a complex set of issues. How we respond to America’s growing annual deficits and accumulated debt, appropriations bills to fund the government, the debt ceiling, and how these issues interplay will significantly impact America’s future.
House Republicans inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit in 2011 and successfully cut annual deficits every year since winning the House in 2010 (to a still dangerous but much better $439 billion by 2015). However, newly released data from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects Fiscal Year 2016’s deficit will worsen by $105 billion (the first deterioration since Republicans won the House in 2010) and that America will blow through the $29 trillion debt mark in a decade, in large part because Congress passed a trillion dollar Omnibus spending bill that adds tens of billions of dollars to FY 2016’s deficit. The CBO warns that, absent correction, America’s debt service costs will increase by $600 billion per year within a decade . . . roughly what America spends on national defense!