Born on an Air Force Base, Kevin gained an early appreciation for the sacrifices that military families make. In high school, Kevin earned an Architectural Drafting Certificate at a Career Technology school, which he used to work and pay for his Engineering degree. Later in life, he earned his MBA.
After undergrad, Kevin went on to work as an Aerospace Engineer for Rockwell International. When the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster rocked the aerospace industry, Kevin was out of work. He began saving to purchase his first McDonald’s Restaurant by starting and operating small business ventures: writing computer programs to automate tasks for businesses, real estate, and even hog farming.
Legal immigrants are the embodiment of the American dream. Their contributions to our country make us stronger. However, a sovereign nation must maintain its borders. It is imperative that we secure the border and enforce the rule of law.
Our immigration system is broken. In order to keep our people safe, critical border funding is needed to secure our border and provide aid to our border agents. Congress has held up that funding for years, tabling important work and forcing our border agents to work with limited resources. We must move past partisan divides to keep our people safe.