John R. Curtis proudly represents Utah’s 3rd Congressional District. Since being elected to Congress on November 13, 2017, John has worked on 15 pieces of legislation that were signed into law, ranging in diverse topics such as better managing public lands, combatting human trafficking, supporting small businesses, and more. Additionally, he serves as the inaugural Chairman of the Conservative Climate Caucus and a member of the powerful House Committee on Energy and Commerce. He previously served on the House Natural Resources Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee.
Our state’s Veterans are known all over the world for their amazing patriotism and capabilities in keeping our country safe from adversaries domestic and abroad. They and their families willingly sacrifice their time, health, and in some cases, their lives. Whether you have difficulties getting the veteran benefits, retrieving service records and medals, or issues arising during your time in service, my staff is here to help get the attention you need. It is an honor to serve those who were willing to give all for this great country.