John R. Curtis proudly represents Utah’s 3rd Congressional District. Since being elected to Congress on November 13, 2017, John has worked on 15 pieces of legislation that were signed into law, ranging in diverse topics such as better managing public lands, combatting human trafficking, supporting small businesses, and more. Additionally, he serves as the inaugural Chairman of the Conservative Climate Caucus and a member of the powerful House Committee on Energy and Commerce. He previously served on the House Natural Resources Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee.
I stand with and support the men and women in law enforcement. They put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities, and we owe them and their families a debt of gratitude. I support them in their work to reduce crime, to eradicate gang violence, and to end the opioid epidemic. Read more about my work on everything from turning the tide on Utah’s opioid epidemic to ending the scourge of human trafficking.
As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I know just how dangerous our world can be, and America’s military must keep up with these constant threats. I also believe that Utah should play an important role in modernizing our national defense and readiness systems. From helping protect America’s businesses and critical infrastructure against cyber-attacks to the ongoing war against terrorism, it is imperative that the U.S. military remain strong and ready to defend our freedoms.
From Sandy to San Juan County and the communities in-between, helping to create economic opportunity and high-paying jobs in the district is one of my highest priorities. As a former small businessman, I understand the difficulties Utah families can experience when it comes to making ends meet, and I’m here to help. Congress passed a historic tax reform bill to help hardworking Americans keep more of their paychecks. Read about my latest projects from rural broadband to cutting burdensome regulations as a member of the Small Business Committee.
I strongly believe that decisions regarding education should be made at the local level by parents, teachers, and school administrators. The best solutions come from those with the greatest stake in the system — not federal bureaucrats. As your Congressman, I am committed to helping improve our education system by empowering the states to play a larger role in developing curriculum and the resources they need to hire and keep the best teachers in the classroom.
With nearly 60 percent of Utah’s lands managed by the federal government, I am fighting hard as a member of the House Natural Resources Committee to ensure that our rural counties have the economic development and resources they need to prosper. Our district is home to some of the most iconic and scenic places. Our National Parks and recreation areas are an important component of Utah’s thriving economy, and I am committed to protecting and preserving our natural treasures for many generations to come. Here’s what I’m doing in the Natural Resources Committee to protect those lands and support responsible energy development.
As a young man, I had the opportunity live in many places around the world including as a missionary in Taiwan and as a student in Israel. Now serving as a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I have a great appreciation for the important leadership role that the U.S. plays in the world. I serve on both the House Subcommittees on the Middle East and Europe, and I am firmly committed to protecting our nation’s interests abroad and supporting our allies across the globe—especially our NATO allies and Israel. I also support free trade policies and fair trade deals that strengthen America’s economy.
Although the U.S. has long been a global leader in medical research and innovation, the reality is that our nation’s healthcare system is broken. For far too long, the Federal government’s involvement and burdensome regulations have distorted the health insurance market. With healthcare costs running out-of-control, Utah’s families are struggling to afford everything from prescription medicine to their monthly insurance premiums. Although we have a lot of work to do, I believe that innovation and free market principles can improve our healthcare system. Read more about what I’m doing from speaking out against the Medical Device Tax to reducing government interference.
These important programs have a real and direct impact on many lives. I’ve known many individuals, including my own parents, who relied upon Social Security for the last 20 years of their lives. In addition, as my parents grew older, I witnessed first-hand their reliance on Medicare and the critical role that it played in their care. As your Congressman, I am committed to keeping these programs strong and available for those who need it now and making sure that they are sustainable for future generations.
I am a strong supporter and protector of Americans’ Constitutional rights and the Second Amendment. I spent much of my career working in the firearms industry, and I believe we can and must provide solutions that both honor Second Amendment rights and protect our neighborhoods and schools from gun violence. Read more about the promises I have made to support initiatives to make a real difference to reduce school shootings and gun violence while also respecting and protecting the Second Amendment.
Our district is home to Silicon Slopes, one of the nation’s fastest growing and thriving tech sectors. Many of Utah’s tech companies are startup companies homegrown here in Utah. As a member of the House Small Business Committee, I am focused on helping foster innovation and economic growth in Utah’s tech and Internet industries. I am a strong supporter of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, especially when it comes to helping our students prepare to become future leaders in this field by learning computer engineering.
Our state’s Veterans are known all over the world for their amazing patriotism and capabilities in keeping our country safe from adversaries domestic and abroad. They and their families willingly sacrifice their time, health, and in some cases, their lives. Whether you have difficulties getting the veteran benefits, retrieving service records and medals, or issues arising during your time in service, my staff is here to help get the attention you need. It is an honor to serve those who were willing to give all for this great country.