Brian Maryott is a businessman who worked his way through college washing dishes and doing overnight janitorial work, became a Certified Financial Planner, and was eventually promoted to Senior Vice President of his company where he helped manage billions in client assets. Brian also started a nonprofit that teaches financial literacy to underserved communities.
Ensure that every dollar of your federal tax money spent on this crisis is leveraged to enhance the economy, and help provide future opportunities for the very people who are going to be re-paying it…our children, and our children’s children.
> Fight for federal legislation to shield small business owners, and critical industry larger employers from Covid related liability – exempting only those employers who do not follow strict guidelines and operate in good faith
Expand financial planning options for families to minimize their tax burden in the aftermath of Covid - and fight for more flexible terms for repayment of both federal and private and student loans.
> Expand and extend the Opportunity Zones programs – which incentivize investment in disadvantaged communities — to encompass more communities in need of jobs and enhance the program to invite more private dollars in partnership with federal infrastructure spending
Extend and enhance tax credits and research and development credits for clean and renewable energy, which are set to expire so that we can build on our outstanding alternative energy progress to date.
> Ramp up apprenticeship programs for Americans who lost their jobs in declining industries so that they can be better equipped for the changing needs of the more specialized and technical manufacturing world.
> Incentivize companies to re-establish our critical supply lines domestically, and partner them with federal programs for product areas that are considered crucial to the security of our nation’s health and well-being