I have the passion and experience to be your 51st Congressional District Representative. I’m concerned our country is going in the wrong direction and most people in our district feel the same way. They think Congress needs more civil discussion and less division to achieve meaningful results. We all want common sense solutions from Congress instead of political nonsense.
Stop tax and regulation policies that punish everyday Americans
Produce more U.S. oil and natural gas
Restore energy independence
Increase reliable and affordable renewable resources
Shrink government and reduce spending
Decrease taxes on low and middle wage earners
Reduce supply chain regulations
Use private enterprise, not government, to grow the economy
Incentivize small business creation
Reduce taxes, regulation, and bureaucracy
Ensure fair competition with big business
Stick to practical STEM learning
Teach honest and constructive U.S. History and Civics
Cultivate values of individual character, not divisive race-based constructs
Encourage educational competition between schools
Reward innovative and effective teachers
Provide wide range of learning opportunities
Let parents tailor education to their children’s individual needs
Let parents decide curriculum
Give parents authority over all sexuality teaching
Protect parents from being characterized as terrorists
Support rule of law
Appoint federal officials who uphold and enforce law
Punish unchecked criminal behavior
Remove rogue prosecutors
Staff, fund and improve law enforcement
Encourage federal partnership with local officials
Give addicts and the mentally ill appropriate care and treatment
Provide career training and job opportunities
Protect the border!
Encourage law abiding, legal immigration
Reduce interstate healthcare restrictions
Ensure all Americans a choice of private healthcare solutions
Develop cost effective healthcare options for self-employed and small businesses
Decrease the price of prescription drugs
Maintain social security and Medicare
Always fund and protect our military
Never abandon our people and our military again
Advance our defensive capabilities
Develop win-win relationships with friendly nations
No boots on the ground unless we are endangered
Treat China and Russia as adversaries in all our policies
Reject any proposed Iran nuclear agreement
Safeguard Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
Maintain US embassy in Jerusalem
Sustain Israel’s ability to defend itself