Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. is the Chairman of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee. In addition, he serves on the Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee and is Vice Chair on the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Subcommittee. In the 117th Congress he returned to serve on the House Agriculture Committee where he is a member of the General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee as well as the Livestock and Foreign Agriculture Subcommittee.
Georgia’s farmers, ranchers, and producers are the backbone of our state’s most important industry: agriculture. As the Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture and Co-Chair of the Congressional Peanut Caucus, I am a staunch supporter of the agricultural community in Georgia's Second Congressional District and the entire nation. I support assistance to farmers affected by drought, wildfires, and other natural disasters that occur each year. In addition, I have worked to ensure that the peanut support program remained strong in the 2014 Farm Bill; strengthen our nation's nutrition programs; reform the H2-A program for non-immigrant agricultural workers; bolster child nutrition programs in our nation’s schools; prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from imposing burdensome regulations on agriculture; ensure that Mexican tomatoes and chicken do not drive down the prices of U.S.-produced tomatoes and chicken due to illegal dumping; and advance agricultural research, food safety initiatives, and broadband services to rural communities.
Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. has submitted funding requests for important community projects in Georgia’s Second Congressional District to the House Appropriations Committee.
Under guidelines issued by the U.S. House Appropriations Committee, each member of the U.S. House of Representatives may request funding for up to 15 projects in their community for fiscal year 2023 – although only a handful may actually be funded. Projects are restricted to a limited number of federal funding streams, and only state and local governments and eligible non-profit entities are permitted to receive funding. Additional information on the reforms governing Community Project Funding is available here.
In compliance with U.S. House Rules and Committee requirements, Rep. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. has certified that he, his spouse, and his immediate family have no financial interest in any of the projects he has requested.
Rep. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. has submitted funding requests for important community projects in Georgia’s Second Congressional District to the House Appropriations Committee.
Under guidelines issued by the Appropriations Committee, each Representative may request funding for up to 10 projects in their community for fiscal year 2022 – although only a handful may actually be funded. Projects are restricted to a limited number of federal funding streams, and only state and local governments and eligible non-profit entities are permitted to receive funding. Additional information on the reforms governing Community Project Funding is available here.
In compliance with House Rules and Committee requirements, Rep. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. has certified that he, his spouse, and his immediate family have no financial interest in any of the projects he has requested.
I am a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights under the United States Constitution. I believe that law-abiding adults should be free to exercise their right to purchase, own, and carry firearms for the protection of their homes and families. I received an A+ from the National Rifle Association for the 110th Congress (2007-2008) and the 111th Congress (2009-2010) as well as an A rating during the 112th Congress (2011-2012) and 113th Congress (2013-2014).
As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, and as the Co-Chair of the Congressional Military Family Caucus, I am a proud supporter of the men and women of our nation’s armed forces and their families. I will continue working to ensure that our soldiers have the best weapons, body armor, equipment, materials, and family support to successfully accomplish their mission. I also have supported efforts to strengthen our national security by pursuing a clear strategy for victory in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I will continue to support the men and women who serve in the military and their families and our nations veterans. The Hiring Heroes law that I authored in the House was signed into law by the President in November 2011. The law honors our veterans by ensuring they have the resources and tools they need to find suitable and sustainable employment. I have led efforts to improve health care for veterans, especially those with traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental health issues, and lost limbs. I will continue to fight for legislation on behalf of veterans to increase educational opportunities, expand small business opportunities, provide cost-of-living adjustments, and reduce homelessness and suicide.
I have supported legislation in the United States House of Representatives to promote human rights at home and abroad, bolster foreign aid and security assistance to Israel, strengthen diplomatic efforts and sanctions to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, prevent violence in Sudan and to ensure that the U.S. successfully completes its mission in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Also, as a former Member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence for six years, I am a staunch supporter of efforts to protect our country from biological and nuclear threats, improve information sharing across intelligence agencies, bolster our cyber-security, strengthen our border security, allow search and surveillance of potential terrorists with probable cause, and secure our nation’s ports, airports, highways, transit and rail systems, energy grids, and other physical infrastructure.
As Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in education always pays the best dividends.” I have worked tirelessly to make our nation’s schools and universities accessible and affordable. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I have secured millions of dollars for education programs, including new schools and libraries, after-school programs, math and science initiatives, school nutrition and physical education programs, as well as family counseling and youth mentoring. I strongly support legislation to make vital investments to modernize, upgrade, and repair school facilities across the country and to encourage service and volunteer opportunities for all Americans. I believe we must make education a top priority by bridging the digital divide, promoting healthier school lunches, enhancing educational opportunities for veterans, encouraging colleges to rein in tuition increases, boosting college aid, strengthening programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and reinvigorating the Head Start program to help more children arrive at kindergarten ready to succeed.
I have long supported the development and exploration of domestic energy sources which will revitalize our economy, create millions of new jobs, lower energy bills, and strengthen our national security. I am a strong supporter of the Keystone XL pipeline, increased exploration of energy sources on federal lands and offshore, renewable energy research, and promoting rural electric cooperatives and nuclear energy.
I am a member of the fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition, which is “dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, including a deep commitment to the financial stability and national security of the United States.” I support amending the United States Constitution to require a balanced budget and ensure that lawmakers act in a fiscally responsible manner. I also have co-sponsored The No Budget, No Pay Act, which states that if Congress does not approve its budget and all appropriations conference reports by October 1st every year, then Members of Congress do not get paid. I am a supporter of PAYGO, which requires that new spending or tax changes do not increase the federal deficit. Finally, I support a long-term budget agreement that would reduce the deficit, reform the tax code and entitlements, and make the necessary investments to create jobs, improve infrastructure, educate our children, train our workers, and grow the economy into the future.
An effective foreign policy makes us more secure at home and strengthens our economy. I have supported legislation in the United States House of Representatives to promote human rights; bolster foreign aid and security assistance to Israel; strengthen diplomatic efforts and sanctions to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon; prevent violence in Sudan; promote religious freedom of religious minorities; oppose nuclear proliferation; combat the spread of AIDS; and support the sovereignty and terrotorial integrity of a democratic Ukraine. I will work hard at supporting the freedom and privacy in a manner that provides cost-effective solutions while making our country a safer and more productive place for all Americans.
It is vital that individuals and families have access to the American Dream – namely, homeownership. I support legislation to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, stop predatory and irresponsible mortgage loan practices, increase the supply of affordable housing, expand veteran and rural housing opportunities, promote fair housing education and enforcement activities, and finance community development initiatives.
It is vital that immigration reform is addressed to secure our borders, protect our workers, and grow the nation’s economy. Immigration reform must include provisions that strengthen border security by increasing manpower, utilizing new technology and fencing, and providing the tools, resources, and infrastructure necessary to enforce existing immigration laws and punish offenders. In addition, it is vital that immigration reform ensures the needs of various economic sectors such as agriculture that depend on guest workers to fill labor shortages. I have supported the DREAM Act, which would permit certain immigrant students who grow up in the United States to apply for temporary legal status and to eventually obtain permanent legal status and become eligible for U.S. citizenship, if they go to college or serve in the U.S. military.
My top three priorities are (in no particular order): (1) jobs; (2) jobs; and (3) jobs. In order to grow the economy, maintain our nation’s competitiveness across the globe, and put Americans to work, I have supported investing in rebuilding our nation’s roads, schools, ports, and other infrastructure; raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour to put more money into the hands of working Americans; bolstering education and worker training initiatives at the federal, state, and local levels; providing tax credits to employers to provide affordable health insurance to their employees; and reducing regulatory burdens and paperwork requirements to unleash initiative.
I am a strong supporter of policies that make health care more accessible and affordable to all Americans regardless of their background and income. These policies include protecting Medicare beneficiaries’ access to physicians; increasing funding for medical research; expanding community health care centers; reducing physician shortages; preventing childhood obesity; lowering the costs of prescription drugs; holding insurance companies accountable to keep premiums down and prevent denials of care and coverage, including for pre-existing conditions; and improving veterans’ health care.
It is vital that individuals and families have access to the American Dream – namely, homeownership. I support legislation to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, stop predatory and irresponsible mortgage loan practices, increase the supply of affordable housing, expand veteran and rural housing opportunities, promote fair housing education and enforcement activities, and finance community development initiatives.
I am a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights under the United States Constitution. I believe that law-abiding adults should be free to exercise their right to purchase, own, and carry firearms for the protection of their homes and families. I received an A+ from the National Rifle Association for the 110th Congress (2007-2008) and the 111th Congress (2009-2010).
Small businesses are the cornerstone of our economy. I support legislation to establish a lending fund to provide community banks with capital to increase small business lending. I also support investing in innovative state small business lending programs, providing tax incentives to purchase employee health insurance coverage, reducing regulatory burdens and unnecessary paperwork, and enacting measures to spur small business creation and new jobs.
Small businesses are the cornerstone of our economy. I support legislation to establish a lending fund to provide community banks with capital to increase small business lending. I also support investing in innovative state small business lending programs, providing tax incentives to purchase employee health insurance coverage, reducing regulatory burdens and unnecessary paperwork, and enacting measures to spur small business creation and new jobs.
Investing in our nation’s transportation infrastructure will create millions of jobs and boost economic activity. I will continue to fight for Georgia’s Second Congressional District to receive its fair share of funding to improve its highways, roads, and bridges. I support more highway-related construction jobs, reduced gasoline prices, and the increased use of biofuels. I also support efforts to make our roads safer, increase fuel efficiency, and create an Infrastructure Bank to finance much needed investments in our nation’s roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, airports, railways, ports, broadband, and power grids.
As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, and as the Co-Chair of the Congressional Military Family Caucus, I will continue to support the men and women who serve in the military and their families and our nation's veterans. The Hiring Heroes law that I authored in the House was signed into law by the President in November 2011. The law honors our veterans by ensuring they have the resources and tools they need to find suitable and sustainable employment. I have led efforts to improve health care for veterans, especially those with traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental health issues, and lost limbs. I will continue to fight for legislation on behalf of veterans to increase educational opportunities, expand small business opportunities, provide cost-of-living adjustments, and reduce homelessness and suicide.
As a member of Congress, I will continue working to ensure that our soldiers have the best weapons, body armor, equipment, materials, and family support to successfully accomplish their mission. I also have supported efforts to strengthen our national security by pursuing a clear strategy for victory in Iraq and Afghanistan.