Though raised primarily in the Boston neighborhoods of Roslindale and Jamaica Plain, Paul’s first exposure to politics, government and public service occurred when he and his family lived briefly in Central Massachusetts. The Feeney family learned that the well that provided water to their home was contaminated. Because of the high levels of carcinogens dumped into the ground by a near-by business, local families were warned not to drink their water, and to limit skin exposure.
“We must act now and we must do so boldly. The unsustainable rise in healthcare and prescription costs across the board, is the defining issue of our time. Working-class families, seniors and others on a fixed income are struggling to keep up with skyrocketing costs of what I believe is a basic human right; access to quality affordable healthcare. Simply, the current system is broken and people are sick and dying because of the lack of action and courage from elected officials at all levels.
I have consistently supported policy measures that move us toward universal coverage that is
affordable and accessible by every person, regardless of their wealth. I am a co-sponsor of
an Act Establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts and believe that for-profit health insurance companies have left working class people with unaffordable and many times unaccessible healthcare. A Massachusetts medicare for all plan will save people money year after year. Additionally, I will continue to advocate for transparency in the pharmaceutical industry and take steps to lower the exorbitant costs of prescription drugs. It is now more important than ever that our state legislators stand up to protect medicaid, medicare and other Federal programs that are being threatened by the administration in Washington. I will fight every day to protect healthcare for the people of Massachusetts!”
During Senator Feeney’s first few days as our Senator, he took an immediate and active role in helping to shape the sweeping Healthcare Cost Containment bill that passed the Senate. The bill that Feeney supported incentivized the market to close the gap between the most expensive, larger hospitals and the often lower-paid community hospitals. The aim, as Senator Feeney describes, is to “ensure that ALL people have access to quality healthcare regardless of where they live or who their employer is”. In 2020, Feeney voted in favor the Mental Health ABC act to break down barriers to mental health care and to ensure parity between physical health and mental health.
Senator Feeney co-sponsored an amendment during the 190th legislative session that sets in place a “single-payer benchmark” to gather data and study how a single-payer system would compare to the current healthcare costs in the Commonwealth. The measure was supported by the Republican leader in the Senate and though it does not mandate a shift toward a “medicare for all” system, Feeney believes that it will offer real data that shows our current system is broken, unaffordable, not sustainable and in need of a bold overhaul.
“I am proud to have played a role in landmark legislation that I co-sponsored, known as the Student Opportunity Act, that passed the legislature in 2019. This law will go a long way toward closing the gap by increasing funding for public schools in under-resourced communities. Additionally, changes to the charter school reimbursements and special education circuit breaker formula will benefit every school district, including the cities and towns of our region. Our public schools remain the backbone of our communities in the Bristol & Norfolk district. For many years, the Commonwealth did not do nearly enough to support our cities and towns by failing to update the funding formula to accurately reflect the rising costs of special education and healthcare.
We owe it to our kids to provide a safe, comfortable, nurturing and well-rounded environment that incorporates civics education, music and the arts in their education. Additionally, though I support the mission of charter schools and have seen great success in many, we must not allow precious resources to be funneled away from traditional public schools.
Beyond just K through 12, I have consistently advocated for debt-free public colleges and universities and the elimination of student debt. My family didn't have the resources to afford my college tuition, even at a State college and I feel strongly that no aspiring student should be in that position. It's time for us to close corporate tax loopholes, pass the fair-share amendment, and find a way to provide higher-education, including vocational and trade school, to every person that wishes to attend.”
- Paul Feeney
Senator Feeney is a vocal and ardent supporter of our public schools from K - College. Paul believes that students are best prepared for a lifetime of learning when we support our teachers and allow them to develop curriculum that is well-rounded and well-resourced. Within days of being sworn in as our State Senator, Paul co-sponsored legislation that would adjust the antiquated funding formula that has left many students behind and our cities and towns in a position to cut staff or raise local taxes. That legislation passed the Senate and the House and was signed by the Governor in 2019. Senator Feeney has championed efforts to end high-stakes punitive testing and toward a more fair and accurate standardized assessment of our students. In addition to supporting the Promise / Student Opportunity Act, Feeney is also a co-sponsor of the CHERISH Act to make up the more than $500 million annual funding shortfall to public colleges and universities in Massachusetts.
“I cannot sleep at night if I don’t do everything in my power to protect our environment and move our Commonwealth toward asustainable future. While others may use this issue as a political talking-point, I believe that action is required immediately. A defining moment in my life came at a young age when my family learned that our home’s water supply, along with that of dozens of our neighbors, had been contaminated by a nearby business. Enforceable regulations must be put in place to ensure the protection of our natural resources.
I also believe in science, and though some may deny the connection between our energy consumption and climate change, I would be negligent in my work as a Senator if I did not strongly support policy that moves us toward one-hundred percent renewable energy. I am proud of my work in the last year on bills that increase our renewable portfolio standards, protect our communities from pipelines and compressor stations, provide funding for local projects and incentivize job-heavy growth in the renewable energy sector.”
- Paul Feeney
As a strong voice in the Senate on environmental issues, Senator Feeney has been active in policy-making that takes a bold approach toward renewable energy and environmental protections. Supported by the political arm of the Environmental League of Massachusetts, Feeney is committed to continuing his work on these vital issues. During debate on Senate Bill S2545 (An Act to Promote A Clean Energy Future), Feeney filed an amendment, supported and passed in a bi-partisan way that would divest Massachusetts money from the thermal coal industry. Speaking on the floor of the Senate, Senator Feeney exclaimed boldly that “we should put our money where our mouth is…” and divest from coal while reinvesting in the clean energy sector that is environmentally sound and job heavy.
A vocal opponent of the proposed natural gas compressor station in Rehoboth, Feeney joined with a Republican colleague in support of an amendment that would restrict the siting of compressor stations in Massachusetts. During debate of this amendment, Senator Feeney rose to the podium to speak passionately to his colleagues about the compressor stations and asked for their support to protect communities in his district, like Rehoboth, Seekonk and Attleboro from these monstrosities that adversely affect our environment and quality of life. Earlier this year, Senator Feeney brought together dozens of people from the district as well as colleagues, Senator Pat O’Connor (R-Weymouth) and Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) to meet with local officials, union representatives, CARCS members and others at a forum in Rehoboth to discuss the compressor station, pipelines and a renewed focus on renewable energy.
“I just don’t believe that the economy is working for everyone these days and for many working people in our district, it’s still tough out there. While the Massachusetts unemployment rates are consistently below the National average, job growth and wages have been largely stagnant in our region. As our traditional economic engines continue to shift, we must seek new employment opportunities in emerging fields. I have been blessed to build a middle-class life in a wonderful community because of the opportunity that a steady job of over 20 years provided for me. Sadly, many of those jobs that come with economic security, competitive benefits and the promise of a secure retirement have gone the way of the blacksmith. We must reverse course on our shift to a “gig” economy that forces people to work harder for less wages and little benefits. I will continue to work to increase employment opportunities by advocating for investment in high-growth fields such as renewable energy and life sciences. I believe in mandating a living wage, safe working conditions and equal pay for equal work. I believe companies have an obligation to keep jobs here in Massachusetts and in the United States of America where they make their wealth and do not support corporate decisions that shift jobs out of State in the name of increased profit.”
- Paul Feeney
Senator Feeney has spent much of his time in office advocating for increased economic development in our communities. Believing that an increased commercial tax-base takes the pressure of resident tax-payers while creating job opportunities for local residents, he has worked with many stakeholders toward a long-term goal of relocating growing sectors to the Bristol & Norfolk district. Senator Feeney has hosted multiple meetings in the district with the Governor’s Secretary of Housing and Economic Development and will continue to bring together state and local officials with private sector professionals and local residents to incentivize smart growth that fits the unique character of our communities.
Senator Feeney worked with his colleagues to pass a comprehensive Economic Development bill that authorizes millions of dollars in grants to workforce training programs and public infrastructure projects across Massachusetts. Senator Feeney fought for and successfully gained the approval of over $6,000,000 in much needed funding for economic development projects in our district.
I am alarmed at the news that came out recently regarding a draft decision by the Supreme Court that would roll back rights that have been enshrined for decades. Sadly, though I was shocked and disheartened to read Alito's draft, I was not surprised. We have known that generational attacks on reproductive rights were gaining momentum and that Courts, and State Administrations, and the Elected Officials that empower each were aiming to take away these basic human rights.
Our response, as people who value the rights of people to make decisions about their own healthcare and their own bodies, free of obstruction both statutorily and economically, must aggressively organize to codify rights in our own Commonwealth.
I have proudly and unequivocally supported legislation before us in the Massachusetts Senate to strengthen the Commonwealth's laws related to abortion and was a proud co-sponsor of the ROE act that we passed in the previous session. I have also conversed with my colleagues in a meaningful way since the SCOTUS draft was publicized, to strategize about legislative vehicles that we may use to ensure stronger laws that protect women, families, physicians, caregivers, providers and organizations in the event that ROE is overturned by the Supreme Court. To that end, I co-sponsored an amendment to our FY23 budget filed by a colleague and will make the passage of this and similar language a priority in my service as a State Senator.
I understand that this is never an easy issue for people to talk about and passions are high these days, but we cannot let the rights of people be stricken down by an extremist court. It is often the people that are most vulnerable that are the ones most adversely affected. I am committed to ensuring safe and legal access to family planning, reproductive healthcare, abortions, fertility treatments, and basic human rights."
“With the disappearance of defined benefit pensions, skyrocketing healthcare costs and a constant threat to social security and medicare, the most vulnerable population in our district continues to be seniors. We are failing as a society when the people that built our neighborhoods are driven out economically from those neighborhoods in their senior years. I am fully supportive of expanding the State’s “circuit breaker” tax credit that has helped tens of thousands of seniors in the last 16 years. Many seniors are faced with coverage gaps in their medicare coverage that forces them to choose between paying for prescriptions or heating their homes. As your Senator, I am working with my colleagues to identify ways to bridge that gap, lower costs and increase assistance. I will continue to advocate for legislation that increases eligibility to medicare savings programs.”
- Paul Feeney
In addition to housing costs and increased local taxes, Seniors in our district face difficulties finding accessible and affordable public transportation which Senator Feeney believes is a human right. For seniors it is a necessity. Many older residents of our district rely on services like the MBTA’s “The Ride” or Gatra’s “Dial-A-Ride” to attend doctor appointments and shop for groceries. Senator Feeney has advocated for and has voted in favor of increases to Regional Transportation Authorities and will continue to work on expanding these programs.
This Spring, Senator Feeney voted in favor of legislation that helps with the diagnosis, treatment and care of individuals diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimers as well as their loved ones and caregivers.
“Recent data shows that this public health crisis continues to grow throughout Massachusetts. Though deaths attributed to opioid overdose are declining slowly, substance abuse in general is trending upward. The presence of deadly fentanyl in our communities presents a major hazard to those addicted to drugs and to the first responders that protect and serve us. Our approach cannot be strictly punitive as this is a mental health issue more than a criminal justice issue. I believe we must increase the amount of beds and treatment facilities in Massachusetts, mandate expanded insurance coverage and ensure the accessibility and affordability of treatment services for those that are suffering the grip of addiction. I have been on the other end of that phone as those caught in the grip of addiction and those that love them have reached out for help. This is not an abstract issue to so many of us in our district. It’s real, it’s painful, it’s frightening and we must do more.”
- Paul Feeney
Senator Feeney has worked tirelessly throughout his short time in office to influence legislation that curbs this deadly epidemic. As the House and Senate refined their respective substance abuse bills, Senator Feeney went to work in his district by convening a roundtable discussion in Attleboro. Senator Feeney brought together public safety professionals including county Sheriffs, District Attorneys, Police and Fire Chiefs and officers, recovery coaches, treatment professionals, medical administrators and providers, people in recovery and other citizens to talk about the opioid epidemic and changes needed to address this crisis. During the Senate debate on this critical legislation, Senator Feeney was active in lobbying his colleagues for many measures important to the people he represents.
He co-sponsored a successful amendment that would examine the role pharmaceutical companies and executives play in the opioid epidemic as well as a bi-partisan amendment that would allow for persons deemed a serious danger to themselves or others to be held in protective custody while awaiting action by a judge.
“Throughout our National history, each generation has asked men and women to leave the comfort of their communities and the embrace of their families to fight for those communities and to protect those families. Our responsibility on the Homefront is to ensure that our commitment to each of them is met. Whether young or old, our veterans must be a priority in every city and town in the Commonwealth. It is our collective obligation as well as a priority for me personally to fight for housing, healthcare, employment, and services for veterans and their families. I am proud to come from a family of veterans and will never forget the responsibility that I have as a public servant to fight for those that fought for us.” -
- Paul Feeney
Senator Feeney made one of his proudest votes in the State Senate this Spring when he supported the “Brave Act”. The legislation increased benefits for veterans and their families including a local program that allows them to provide service in exchange for a reduction in local property taxes. The bill, that was a priority for Feeney to pass this past session, increased burial expenses, increased paid military leave for those called to duty, addressed emergency medical transportation reimbursements, updates the veteran bonus program and addresses court diversion programs and much more. Senator Feeney has consistently appeared at veterans programs throughout the district and remains a vocal and present supporter of organizations that our veterans rely on.
“Safety and security in our homes, neighborhoods and communities is an issue that must be a priority for all elected officials and it certainly is for me. I have consistently advocated for additional public safety resources as well as funding and legislation that is important to the women and men that keep our families safe. Throughout my life, I have been a supporter of law enforcement personnel that risk their lives to serve and protect our communities. I believe strongly in community policing and believe that our neighborhoods are best served when we foster a respectful, positive relationship between citizens and first responders. As a Senator, I have built relationships with members of law enforcement and have listened to their concerns and have advocated for priorities that keep them safe on the job. I am proud to have played a role in securing a dedicated funding stream for police training after hearing the frustrations of Chiefs throughout our region. We all benefit when these professionals are well-trained throughout their careers.
Additionally, I am cognizant that certain aspects of policing requires immediate reform. I have met with constituents in my district and other people across the Commonwealth who live in fear of some members of law enforcement based on their lived experiences and that of their loved ones and community members. These experiences are real, the stories told to me are heartbreaking, and the response must be bold and direct. After hundreds of conversations with community members in the district, people of color across the Commonwealth, Massachusetts law enforcement officers and leaders, faith leaders and advocates, I voted in favor of landmark legislation in 2020 known as "An Act to reform police standards and shift resources to build a more equitable, fair and just commonwealth that values Black lives and communities of color." This bill is wide-ranging and, while certainly not perfect, I recognized the importance of bold measures that were needed to promote policing that restored trust among every person in our cities and towns."
- Paul Feeney
Senator Feeney has voted for and has filed multiple bills and amendments to support the work of our Fire Fighters, EMS, and Dispatch Professionals. He delivered his maiden-speech in the Senate in support of an amendment that created a funding program for equipment that removes carcinogens from the turnout gear that Fire Fighters rely on.
Paul supported and fought for a dedicated funding stream for police training and upgraded training facilities this Spring and credits specifically, the advocacy of Police Chiefs in the Bristol & Norfolk district for their advocacy.
In the 190th session, Senator Feeney was named as Co-Chair of the special commission to examine the hiring, promotion and recruitment policies of the Massachusetts State Police. His recommendations included provisions to diversify the force by eliminating barriers and creating recruiting policies that were inclusive.
In 2021, Senator Feeney voted to advance S1606 "An Act allowing humane transportation of K9 partners AKA Nero's Law" out of the committee on Ways & Means. He then voted proudly to pass this legislation on the Senate floor.
“Politics as usual is no longer acceptable. I believe that our legislators must embrace a spirit of open and responsive government. We should be held to a higher standard when it comes to transparency and must do everything we can to shed light on the legislative process. Public service should never be about the elected official’s ambition and must always be about service to the people we represent. I owe it to the people of our district to be open and honest, to be available and accessible. Those values serve as my compass every day as your State Senator. I post frequently on social media to let people know what I am up to, and legislation that we are debating and voting on. I have held dozens of district office hours, open to all constituents, to allow for personal discussions of State and local issues and I continue to meet with local officials and advocates throughout the district to listen to their concerns. This is a full-time job that is best performed by a Senator that listens, that is invested in the community and it’s people, that is available, that is honest and that is passionate about the job. I hope you see that in me as I am guided each and every day by those principles of public service.”
- Paul Feeney
Shortly after Senator Feeney took the oath of office in late 2017, he was asked by the President of the Senate to serve on a special legislative commission that is studying the legislative exemption of the state’s “public records law”. Working with his colleagues, Paul has been receiving testimony from media outlets and other advocates regarding this exemption. A “good government” advocate, Senator Feeney believes that the public has a right to know when it comes to legislative matters. Paul and his staff hold office hours regularly in every community in the Bristol & Norfolk district and he meets often in senior centers, libraries and town halls with constituents to provide updates from the Senate and sometimes to just talk sports and other hot topics.
Senator Feeney, in his first speech to the Senate, exclaimed that he would “never let politics get in the way of progress”. Nowhere is that more evident than the cities and towns of the district. Paul has built positive relationships with Representatives of both parties to effectively deliver for our communities.