Paul has developed and taught in alternative programming for adolescents coping with trauma and social-emotional disabilities. He was also a Principal Resident in Boston Public Schools. Paul has practiced in state and federal court and been recognized for his pro bono work in education law, and managed a solo practice. He has also served on the Worcester Planning Board.
Get kids on paths of opportunity, not incarceration.
Appoint mental health experts to the Parole Board.
Appoint Black and Latino judges. Address grotesque sentencing and incarceration disparities.
I’ve seen children come out of the system worse off than when they entered. Judges should understand how schools, families, and communities intersect—they can play a part in ensuring that our kids face a life of opportunity rather than one of incarceration.
We need judges who will fight for women. All women. For their reproductive health. For equal opportunity and equal wages. And most of all, for the right to be respected and heard.
Let's end expensive and ineffective mass incarceration by utilizing proven diversion programs when appropriate. We need judges who understand the dynamics of our revolving-door prisons—reducing recidivism saves money, supports communities, and improves working conditions for our corrections officers.
Justice requires that we are all on a level playing field. The rights for workers to organize and collectively bargain must always be protected.
Our state and federal Constitutions are aspirational documents. We need judges sensitive to society’s ongoing march towards achieving our stated ideals of justice and equality for all