Born and raised in Weymouth, Patrick grew up surrounded by a close-knit South Shore community. His mother, Terry, is a NICU nurse of over 40 years, and his father, Michael, is a plumber. Patrick and his sister, Erin, grew up learning the values of hard work and honesty and were fortunate to be afforded many opportunities by their parents. The O'Connors have family throughout the South Shore and beyond, including Scituate, Marshfield, and Cambridge.
Senator O’Connor believes in investing in our economy so that we will continue to see strong returns on those investments. This has included helping small businesses and organizations grow, securing grants and earmarks for local economic projects, and prioritizing long-term, sustainable economic growth.
To list a few, Senator O’Connor has secured the following economic development bonds:
Senator O'Connor has always focused on the issues at hand and done what he feels is best for the people of his district. This approach led to him being rated as one of the most independent legislators by the Beacon Hill Roll Call. His record of bipartisan leadership includes:
In the Fiscal Year 2020 budget, Senator O'Connor offered an amendment that sought to end what is known as the "cliff effect" in the Emergency Assistance (EA) shelter program. The Cliff Effect is the unfortunate situation where a person headed toward economic stability earns a wage increase, but the raise triggers the loss of benefits that are worth more than the raise. It’s a huge setback that often keeps people in poverty.
Those that have been a part of the EA shelter program in Massachusetts are familiar with this phenomenon. In order to qualify for this program, households must earn less than 115% of the federal poverty level; for a family of three, this means less than $24,530 a year ($2,044 a month). Once in shelter, families must develop and adhere to a rehousing plan, which includes activities to increase their economic mobility and move towards self-sufficiency. However, in Massachusetts, you are kicked out of the EA shelter program if you end up succeeding and earning more than 115% of the poverty level.
Senator O’Connor's amendment raised the cap of maximum household earnings for the shelter program from 115% of the poverty level to 200%. This change now allows that family of three to earn up to $42,660 a year ($3,555 a month) and still be a part of the EA shelter program. This increase to 200% ensures that families can actually work their way off government assistance and not fall back into the emergency shelter program.
Senator O'Connor played a key role in the passage of the Student Opportunity Act, having served on the 6-member conference committee to consolidate the final legislation and pass into law. This legislation is the most significant change to public education funding since 1993 and represents an unprecedented $1.5 billion investment in our education system ($2.2 Billion when accounting for inflation).
The Student Opportunity Act:
After first being sworn-in to office in 2016, the Joyce family walked into Senator O’Connor’s office and told him about the abuse their nonverbal son, Dana, was experiencing at his group home. That meeting led to Senator O’Connor filing Dana’s law. The bill establishes a registry of individuals found to have committed abuse against those with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Group homes serving these populations would be required to check the registry during the application process, and any individual who appears on the registry would be barred from employment. Dana’s Law was signed by Governor Baker in March of 2020.
Senator O'Connor was the only Republican in the Massachusetts Senate to vote to ban conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy tries to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. The bill prohibited conversion therapy performed by licensed state therapists on minors and did not affect pastoral counseling by religious leaders.
As part of Senator O'Connor's research on the bill leading up to the vote, he read "Boy Erased,” by Garrard Conley, the memoir of a young gay man who was sent to conversion therapy by his parents. In an interview after the vote, Sen. O'Connor was quoted as saying, “Any practice that involves coercion or physical or mental discomfort to children to change their sexual identity should be banned. This was a very strong message that the Massachusetts state legislature could send to this practice.”
Senator O'Connor helps break ground on the new Trettis House project in Cohasset, an Adult Disabled Housing project set to open in the fall of 2020. Senator O'Connor secured $180,000 in funding to help support the project.
Senator O'Connor worked to secure:
Senator O'Connor regularly teaches a class at the Duxbury Senior Center as part of the Lifelong Learning Program. He recently secured $50,000 for the center to make improvements to the building to better adjust for the rising senior population in the community.
Senator O'Connor worked to secure:
In 2019, Senator O'Connor worked with the Baker-Polito Administration to secure a $2 Million grant award for Hingham through the Massachusetts Dredging Program. The project will remove an estimated 62,000 cubic yards of sediment from the Hingham Inner Harbor and allow for all-tide use of the boat ramp and restore all-tide access to over 230 public moorings.
Senator O'Connor worked to secure:
Senator O'Connor secured $20,000 for a seasonal trolley program, known as the Hull O Trolley, to take beach-goers and Hull residents up and down Hull to experience everything the town has to offer.
Senator O'Connor worked to secure:
Senator O'Connor has worked to secure $50,000 across two budgets to support the work of Donna Green (pictured above) and the Magical Moon Farm - the organization provides support services and creative activities for children living with cancer diagnoses.
Senator O'Connor worked to secure:
Senator O'Connor partnered with Rep. Meschino to secure $75,000 for a Regional Animal Control Vehicle to be shared between Cohasset, Hull, and Norwell. O'Connor and Meschino are pictured above with Cohasset Town Manager, Chris Senior, and the brand new truck.
Senator O'Connor worked to secure:
Senator O'Connor helped secure a $210,000 grant in 2017 to develop a design and permit for dune nourishment on Humarock Beach to protect public and private infrastructure from storm damage.
Senator O'Connor worked to secure:
Working together, Senator O'Connor and Rep. Murphy (pictured above) secured $12,085,184 to support the construction of the new Tufts Library in Weymouth.
Senator O'Connor worked to secure:
I have spent my time as your Senator visiting and getting to know local businesses, farmers, organizations, and families. Great service stems from a personal understanding of people’s livelihoods and that is why I am in the district every day learning what the South Shore needs from its State government. For the 2017 fiscal year, our district was awarded over $18 million in unrestricted general aid which will be allocated to town budgets for police, fire, parks, and public works operations.
I am a firm believer in strong municipal governments that can provide the most immediate results for their residents. I was selected to be Conference Committee member to consolidate the Municipal Modernization Bill and create the most effective and desired legislation for our cities and towns. This bill eliminates outdated mandates and procedures to create greater flexibility and opportunity for local governments.
One particular area that I believe needs drastic improvement lies in zoning law. I have already filed legislation calling for audits of all 40B affordable housing projects built since 1998 to target the broken cost certification system. We have seen 40B developers take advantage of weak oversight and reap the benefits at the expense of municipalities. Zoning laws in general must be specifically tailored to each town according to what their government sees fit. By throwing a zoning law blanket over the entire state, we are setting up communities to fail. As a municipal official of ten years, I know firsthand the intimacy between municipalities and their own zoning laws, and will fight to preserve that control.
Marshfield's 2nd Annual Vigil to observe National Overdose Awareness Day. Marshfield FACTs placed 1,379 purple flags recognizing all of the residents in Massachusetts who lost their lives to opioid overdose in 2015.
A special thank- you to former Marshfield Selectman Matt McDonough and all of the volunteers for coordinating this vigil.
For those whose lives have been touched by opioid addiction, rhetoric promising a solution to this epidemic is becoming redundant. I began my efforts against the opioid epidemic in my hometown, when my first action as Weymouth Town Council President was to establish a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Committee. As your Senator, I have handled dozens of cases with constituents coping with addicts. I believe intervention must be as personal and community-based as possible in order to have the greatest effect.
Governor Baker’s opioid bill, now law, limits prescriptions, reinforces recovery, increases punishment for distribution, and educates minors to the dangers of opiates. Our State Budget process included significant steps to increase treatment services, which I was proud to support. In FY 16, the Commonwealth supported approximately $158 million in opioid abuse prevention services. The FY 17 budget increases this support over 8% to a total of $171 million.
We must enforce our new legislation to ensure that illegal substances are not being distributed and pharmaceuticals are not flooding patients with excess painkillers. I intend to see that the Opioid Law is exercised and that we test every option to cure this crisis.
Massachusetts must be properly equipped to afford people the right and accessibility to quality and affordable health care. I was proud to support several pieces of legislation empowering medical professionals, disease education, and providing financial relief for medical expenses. Families should not have to experience financial strain for unavoidable medical situations.
During the budget process I cosponsored amendments protecting consumers from over-priced medications, requiring the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to recognize and pay for the full costs of Adult Day Health Services, and funding a statewide Alzheimer’s education program. I sponsored legislation to safeguard Alzheimer and Autistic individuals by requiring insurers to cover tracking devices for those who tend to wander or get lost.
We have seen a growing presence of Lyme disease in our district. Lyme is a devastating illness and we must establish health care access for those who need it as well as educate our residents about preventative measures.
I secured additional funding to improve and extend respite care and support services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Respite services and group homes provide the programs that help disabled individuals connect with their communities and become productive members of society.
My first speech as State Senator addressed the reality of Veteran homelessness in Massachusetts. While Massachusetts ranks high in Veterans services, there are still around 1200 retired soldiers in the Commonwealth with no place to call a home. To confront this unacceptable statistic, I sponsored an FY17 budget amendment creating a Commission to determine how Massachusetts can reach a zero-count of homeless Veterans. The Senate adopted this amendment and I will continue to build on this cause to provide our heroes the necessities they deserve.
I also filed to the budget several tax breaks geared at relieving Veterans from costs and expenses they should never have to worry about. Our office filed for tax credits for disabled veterans, Gold Star families, and homeless Veteran housing.
The Municipal Modernization Bill included my amendment enabling incapacitated Veterans to keep their real estate tax abatements if they choose to transfer their property into a trust for their families. This will expand on existing benefits and allow Veterans to have greater flexibility in handling their real estate affairs without losing what they are entitled to.
Since Senator Patrick O’Connor first became involved in public service, one of his greatest priorities has been to fight for greater resources and support services for individuals with disabilities.
Summary: Also known as “Dana’s Law”, this legislation would increase the safety and protection of disabled individuals by establishing a registry of caretakers who have been found to abuse vulnerable individuals under their care.
Progress: Reported on favorably by the Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities and the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. Unanimously passed by the State Senate.
Summary: Creates a Commission with the task of analyzing the amount of adult disabled housing stock in Massachusetts, determining if any additional housing is needed, and recommending a path forward to meet that level of need.
Progress: Amendment language kept in the final version of the bill and passed into law on May 31, 2018.
Summary: This bill would create a more diverse and inclusive state workforce by requiring state contracts to include 10% employment of individuals with disabilities.
Progress: Submitted formal testimony requesting the bill’s favorable release from the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. Committee reported favorably and released to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
Summary: Provides $180,000 for the completion of an accessible home for clients of the Department of Developmental Services, known as the Trettis House
Progress: Adopted to the FY18 State Budget, funding secured and encumbered to the Town of Cohasset.