Morgan Griffith was first elected to represent the Ninth Congressional District of Virginia in the U.S. House of Representatives on November 2, 2010. Morgan is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over some of the most important issues facing Virginia’s Ninth District including public health and federal regulations.
For the 117th Congress, Morgan was named Republican Leader of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. He is a member of the Subcommittee on Health and the Subcommittee on Energy.
I joined other Members of Congress in filing a brief in the Supreme Court case United States v. Texas to oppose President Obama’s abuse of authority through his unconstitutional immigration actions.
Many seniors like to use their local pharmacies because they have seen their pharmacist for years. However, community pharmacists have been increasingly charged retroactive fees (DIR fees) after prescriptions are filled, which hurts, and sometimes destroys, their business. A majority of these pharmacists said they receive no information about when DIR fees will be collected or their size, while many also noted that DIR fees can total thousands of dollars each month. In response to this, I introduced the Improving Transparency and Accuracy in Medicare Part D Spending Act (H.R. 1038), which would ensure our community pharmacists receive reimbursement at the rate posted at the time the prescription is filled. This bill would make it so pharmacists know exactly what they're getting paid when you get your prescriptions filled.
• The goal of tax legislation should be to let hard-working Americans keep more of their money, stimulate economic growth, and encourage hiring and investment here.
• The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, enacted in December 2017, significantly improved upon the old tax code. It lowered rates for most individuals, got rid of many loopholes, and encouraged businesses to bring back money from overseas.
• The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has been good for American jobs and pocketbooks. Any new tax legislation should build on this success, including making the recent tax cuts for middle-class families permanent.
• Voted for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017.
• Encouraged the tax reform conference committee to retain the Historic Tax Credit, which benefits the economy of some of our older towns and cities. The credit was retained. For this, I was recognized as a “Historic Tax Credit Champion” by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
• Co-sponsored H.R. 4886, the Permanent Tax Cuts for Americans Act, which would make the individual provisions of tax reform permanent.
• Voted for the Retirement, Savings, and Other Tax Relief Act, the Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act, the American Innovation Act, and the Family Savings Act as part of additional efforts to reform the tax code.
• Original co-sponsor of H.R. 937, the Universal Savings Account Act, which would permit individuals to set up a tax-free savings account and for which withdrawals – for any reason at any time – are tax-free. This legislation would allow up to $5,500 in contributions to the account each year.
Original cosponsor of the Working to Integrate Networks Guaranteeing Member Access Now (WINGMAN) Act, which provides congressional staff with more access to the benefit claim process to streamline the claims process with the VA. This legislation passed the House in February 2017.
Cosponsor of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act, which would extend benefits to Vietnam-era sailors and airmen who were exposed to Agent Orange, as well as to the foreign-born children of Americans born with spina bifida as a result of the exposure. This bill passed the House in June 2018.
Cosponsor of the Military Surviving Spouses Equity Act, which would end the so-called “Widow’s Tax.” Current policy requires surviving spouses of service members killed in the line of duty or from a service-connected cause to forfeit the Survivor Benefit Pension annuity. This creates a substantial burden for the surviving spouses of those brave service members that have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty or from a service-connected cause.
Supported the Veterans Opioid Abuse Prevention Act, which allows for the greater sharing of information between VA and state-based prescription drug monitoring programs. This bill passed the House in May 2018.
Co-sponsor of the Biennial Budgeting and Enhanced Oversight Act of 2015 (H.R.1610), which changes the process for the President's budget submission, congressional budget resolutions, appropriations bills, and government strategic and performance plans from the current annual process to a biennial process.
Original co-sponsor of H.R. 3660 to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 respecting the scoring of preventive health savings, which would require the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to determine if legislation would reduce spending outside of the 10-year budget window through the use of preventive health and preventive health services.
Original co-sponsor of the Agency Accountability Act (H.R. 5499), which would direct all fines, fees, penalties, and other unappropriated proceeds to the Treasury, making them subject to the appropriations process. This would legislation would reinstate Congress’s proper oversight and funding role by bringing these funds under Congressional appropriation.
I am leading an effort to change the rules of the House of Representatives to give Members of the House the ability to offer amendments on the floor to cut the amount of money an agency could receive, the number of employees of the U.S. government or its agencies could have, and the amount of money that could be paid to an employee of the U.S. government. It is impossible to get serious about cutting spending and setting priorities in Washington when our own rules prevent us from doing so.
Voted in support of the Massie Amendment to the 2017 Department of Defense Appropriations bill to prohibit warrantless searches of government databases that pertains to U.S. citizens.
Voted to support the National Security to Combat Terrorist Travel Act of 2016 (H.R. 4408), which would require the President to transmit to Congress a national strategy to combat terrorist travel.
I have supported various efforts to end the NSA’s blanket collection of Americans’ phone records, including speaking in favor of the Amash-Conyers Amendment to the 2014 Department of Defense Appropriations bill to end this practice. Unfortunately, the amendment was narrowly defeated by a vote of 205 – 217 in the House of Representatives.
Sponsored an amendment to the 2015 NDAA that would require the Pentagon to cut the number of top generals and admirals. The ratio of generals and flag officers to enlisted service members has been higher in recent years than at any other time in American history. At the end of World War II, the United States military had 2,068 generals and flag officers and just over 12 million active duty military personnel, or a ratio of approximately 1:6,000. Today the military has 924 generals or flag officers and only 1.38 million active duty military personnel, or a ratio of about 1:1,500. This modest proposal would fulfill Sec. Gates’ goal and save U.S. taxpayers approximately $10 million each year.
Voted to support the American Security against Foreign Enemies Act of 2015 (H.R. 4038), which prohibits the admission of refugees from Iraq and Syria unless the FBI director, DHS Secretary, and Director of National Intelligence certify that an individual has received a background investigation and does not pose a threat to the security of the United States. While this bill passed the house with a veto-proof majority, it was not passed in the Senate.
Co-sponsored the Telephone Records Protection Act (H.R. 2014) and the LIBERT-E Act (H.R 2399) to rein in the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance of Americans.
Co-sponsored and voted to support the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act of 2013 (H.R. 850), which would strengthen sanctions and increase pressure on the Iranian regime amid its continued attempt to acquire a nuclear weapons capability.
I have consistently supported efforts to repeal the Authorization use of Military Force of 2001 so that the President Obama is prohibited from deploying or maintaining U.S. Armed Forces in a sustained combat role in Iraq and Syria unless specific statutory authorization from Congress is provided.
I led a bi-partisan letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel supporting his balancing plan to both reduce Pentagon spending and strengthen U.S. national security.
Voted against the National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA) for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 because in each instance the NDAA legislation arguably expands the original Authorization of the Use of Military Force, which was enacted in the aftermath of 9/11. I was particularly concerned with these bills because, I believe, the NDAA would permit the U.S. military to detain American citizens on American soil without all of their Constitutional guarantees. When language isn't absolutely clear, and there is an issue of liberty for U.S. citizens, if I am to err, I choose to err on the side of liberty.
I have supported various efforts to bring new projects and jobs to the sprawling defense industry in Virginia.
Voted in favor of the FAST Act (H.R. 22), a 5 year highway bill reauthorization that replaces temporary patches with a long-term, sustainable solution to funding our critical highway construction projects. This legislation also provides states and localities more flexibility in determining how funds are spent as they undertake major construction and renovation projects for our aging infrastructure. H.R. 22 was signed into law on December 4, 2015.
Original co-sponsor of H. Res. 585, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that two or more states entering into an agreement or compact for cooperative effort and mutual assistance would be beneficial to the development of an Interstate 73 corridor. The I-73 project would allow for our area to improve our transportation hub, which would not only help us get goods into the southeast by improving the 220 corridor but would also take our natural distribution advantages and add the capacity to transport goods by road to the heart of the Great Lakes. In short, it would increase our significant position in the eastern United States for the distribution of goods.
Co-sponsored the Black Box Privacy Protection Act (H.R. 2526), which would clarify that a vehicle’s owner also owns the event data recorder’s (EDR) data and that the information may not be accessed without the owner’s permission or without having obtained a valid, properly-issued search warrant. It also would require manufacturers to provide consumers with the capabilities to control the EDR’s recording function, in other words, you could turn it off. I want to ensure that the American people have more control over their own information – be it phone records or the information collected by a vehicle’s EDR.
Co-sponsored the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports (RPM) Act of 2016 (H.R. 4715), which would block the EPA’s attempts to regulate modified motor vehicles used for racing and outlaw the modification of street vehicles into race-only vehicles. On April 15, 2016, after pressure from myself, others on the Energy and Commerce Committee, and racing fans across the country, the EPA announced it is abandoning this proposed regulation.
Co-sponsored H.Con.Res. 33, which expresses the sense of Congress that the Federal excise tax on heavy-duty trucks should not be increased and that Congress should review the detrimental impacts of such a tax in considering future transportation policy.
While the states and local school districts should be given more flexibility, the federal government continues to play a critical role in providing funding for educational opportunities for disabled and low-income children.
A high-quality education, especially in a more complex and dynamic economy, is something every child should have access to. This includes quality education for those children who desire to pursue a traditional college education and those who desire career and/or technical education. Our country’s economic growth is driven by a well-educated, well-trained, and well-rounded workforce
Voted to support the Every Student Succeeds Act (S. 1177). The Every Student Succeeds Act replaced No Child Left Behind and established state-determined accountability systems, which will give states and school districts the authority to measure student performance. The bill increased the flexibility of states and school districts to develop school improvement strategies and rewards, but maintains the requirement that states and school districts distribute yearly report cards that contain information on graduation rates and student achievement. In an effort to promote a more reasonable role for the federal government in our education system, the Every Student Succeeds Act also eliminates some elementary and secondary education programs while consolidating others. This bill passed both the House and the Senate and was signed into law on December 10, 2015.
Strong supporter of the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program, which offsets costs incurred by counties and cities as a result of federal lands in their jurisdiction. Since federal lands aren’t taxable property, these PILT payments are intended to make up for this lost revenue to the local government and to cover expenses such as education, etc.
Member of the Congressional Rural Education Caucus. The caucus is a bipartisan group of Members interested in working together to promote greater awareness of the unique needs and functions of rural school systems.