A lifelong resident of Billerica, Marc and his family reside on Eubar Circle. Guy attends BMHS and Angelina attends the Marshall Middle School. Marc's parents, Barry and Jean, Marc's brother Barry Jr and his wife Courtney and their children, and Marc's sister Jaclyn and her husband Jim Bardsley and their children are all Billerica residents.
Representative Marc Lombardo knows Billerica families are struggling with inflation, record gas prices, and soaring grocery bills. Yet on Beacon Hill, more taxes never seem to be enough. In the last 10 years, Beacon Hill Democrats have passed more than 10 tax increases on the taxpayers of Massachusetts. Marc Lombardo is taking action and this session alone, Representative Lombardo voted for:
Representative Lombardo opposed a Massachusetts gas tax increase with automatic annual increases tied to CPI and strongly opposed the regional TCI which would have added at least .17 cents more to gas prices and send a significant amount of those taxes out of state.
Representative Lombardo supports reducing the meals, and sales taxes back to 5%.
Representative Lombardo voted against giving Driver's Licenses to illegal immigrants in Massachusetts and was a lead volunteer in the signature petition drive to place the question on the ballot for voters in November of 2022. Representative Lombardo does not support Massachusetts becoming a Sanctuary State. Illegal immigration is costing Massachusetts taxpayers nearly $2 billion annually on taxpayers funded benefits for those who are illegal residing in Massachusetts. Marc supports strong reforms to deal with the issue of illegal immigration including:
As a sportsman, Marc is a strong supporter of the second amendment. Marc has and will continue to vigorously defend the Constitutional right of law abiding citizens to own firearms. Marc is a member of the Woburn Sportsman Club on the Middlesex Turnpike.
Representative Lombardo has been a strong advocate for parental rights as a member of the legislature. As a father of two, Marc believes that Government should not supersede a parents rights to make decision for their child’s health and education.
That is why Marc opposes a state government mandate of seasonal flu vaccines for all students attending public schools. These are decisions that belong between parents and their family doctor.
In addition, Marc takes action when children are in need. When Representative Lombardo saw 15 year old Justina Pelletier wrongful ripped from the loving arms of her parents Lou and Linda and placed in DCF custody for 16 months, Lombardo stepped to action. Marc challenged DCF and the Administration and got Justina back to her family where she belonged. Calling it “one of the most rewarding efforts” of my life, Marc wants to ensure that Government doesn’t ever inappropriately interfere in the relationship of Billerica Families.
Marc believes that a first class education is the key to a successful future for our children. That is why Marc is such a strong advocate for increased state aid coming back to our community. Marc was an outspoken advocate for the new Billerica Memorial High School where he serves as a member of the High School Building Committee and helped secure the $73 Million grant for Billerica.
In addition, Marc supported the Student Opportunity Act which makes historic investment in funding for public education in Massachusetts. The law will ensure all students have access to a quality education throughout Massachusetts.
Representative Lombardo also believes communities should make decisions locally on the education for our children because he has faith in Billerica’s teachers, principals, and the Superintendent. Investment in education is important to Marc - it’s about children and parents, not politics.
In the last 8 years, Beacon Hill Democrats have passed 10 tax increases on the taxpayers of Massachusetts. Most recently, Representative Lombardo opposed implementing a graduated income taxrate. The Massachusetts votes have rejected a graduated income tax 5 times and in 2000, voted to reduce the income tax to 5%.
Lombardo strongly opposed a 2013 tax package that raised taxes $800M. Included in the package was a first of a kind Technology tax which would directly harm Billerica businesses. Representative Lombardo utilized his background in technology to lead the repeal of this tax.
Included in the same tax package was an increase in the gas tax and an even more alarming “automatic increase” each year without a vote of the Legislature. Marc took to the House floor and branded the measure the “to Infinity and Beyond tax.” Representative Lombardo joined in the successful ballot initiative effort to repeal the automatic increase on the gas tax.
Representative Lombardo supports reducing the meals, sales, and income tax to 5%.
Marc understands that the majority of new jobs created in Massachusetts are by small business owners. Representative Lombardo understands that government doesn’t create jobs rather they create a climate for the market to exist – and sometimes the best thing government can do is to get out of the way of job creators. That is why Marc joined with his colleague Representative Shaunna O’Connell to introduce a legislative packaged called the “Small Business Bill of Rights.”
The Small Business Bill of Rights includes: