I am not a career politician; I am an ordinary citizen who is fed up with what the Democrats have directly caused: runaway inflation, food shortages, open borders, and rising violent crime. I was born and raised in Natick, Massachusetts and earned a B.S. in Finance from Syracuse University, as well as a Masters in Finance from Northeastern University. I am a Certified Financial Planner and own a fee-only fiduciary advisory firm, Hoyt Wealth Management. I live in Westford, MA with my wife and 3 children.
I am pro-immigration, as is everyone I've ever met. But allowing illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses is wrong on principle and creates incentives for additional lawlessness and is unfair to our immigrants who have come here legally.
The runaway inflation we are experiencing is a direct result of government policies: uncontrolled spending and debt, a massive increase of money in circulation, and the cancellation of oil and gas leases. We need a federal balanced budget and an end to federal bailouts of state and local governments who have spent recklessly. We should immediately re-open access to our vast oil and gas resources so that we can once again achieve energy independence and lower costs across the board.
I will oppose any further attempt by Democrats to increase our top income tax rate from 5% to 9%. Democrats claim that it would only apply to "millionaires" but we all know how that would work out- the high earners would flee the state and so the new tax would then apply to almost everyone to make up for the revenue loss.
I am opposed to all forms of medical tyranny, including vaccine and mask mandates. We have the freedom to accept or reject any and all medical treatments, for ourselves and for our minor children. The government, employers, merchants, groups, schools, institutions, and other entities should not be able to coerce us to receive any medical intervention, including vaccinations, without our express permission.
Voting in person on election day has worked extremely well in our country and the rest of the world's democracies for hundreds of years. Early voting and mail-in voting are recent developments in the U.S. but have been failed experiments in other western democracies. Election results will not be universally accepted by the voters unless we revert to the system we had just a few short years ago, combined with very basic voter identification.
Parents should have control over what their children are taught and all teaching material should be made available. To promote competition and innovation, the legislature should raise the cap on charter schools and allow parents to have school funding money follow them to the school of their choice. MCAS standards should be left intact.
Massachusetts needs to reject sanctuary cities and the Safe Communities Act, which violates federal law, undermines immigration enforcement and provides an incentive for human and drug trafficking. The opioid addiction problem should be addressed through treatment, education and enforcement, not by safe injection sites.
Medicaid (MassHealth) spending is out of control and now makes up 40% of the entire state budget. Massachusetts needs to immediately impose spending guardrails to prevent further expansion. The MBTA budget and health insurance for public employees are two other budget-busters areas that have lacked accountability.
The United States should not risk the lives of American troops or spend billions of dollars overseas unless our security or prosperity clearly depends on it. The conflict in Ukraine does not meet this standard.
Since Joe Biden took office, our southern border has become effectively wide open and by some estimates over one million undocumented immigrants have either crossed undetected or have been apprehended and released into the U.S. No other country in the world allows this. We simply need to enforce our existing immigration laws and finish building the wall.
I will oppose any attempt to implement a "graduated" income tax. Massachusetts currently has a flat 5% income tax rate. Democrats have been trying to raise the top rate to 9%, claiming that it would only apply to "millionaires." (Read More)