When John Carter settled down in Central Texas with his wife, Erika, he knew it was the right place to raise his family because of the great schools, low taxes, and safe communities. John was a young lawyer who recently completed his bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech and his law degree from University of Texas. At first, he was only one of two lawyers in Round Rock, Texas, but a decade later John Carter was appointed District Judge for the 277th District Court in Williamson County. During that time, he aptly earned the nickname that stuck with him to this day; Judge.
The Lone Star state ranks first in the nation for total number of farms, with 248,000 farms covering more than 127 million acres, and one in seven Texans works in agriculture. Texas is the top producing state in the country for cattle, horses, sheep, goats, wheat, sorghum, hay, rice, pecans and peanuts. The leading source of farming income in the 31st District is sorghum, corn, oats and cotton.
As a lifelong Texan, I am deeply rooted and grounded in the importance of agriculture in our state and, more importantly, our district. I know how critical water is to our farms and livestock, so I heavily support water conservation and water recycling to preserve the long-term viability of this indispensable resource. I applaud the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw the Waters of the US (WOTUS) rule, and I will continue to support Texans having authority over their own waters and not the federal government.
I also strongly supported the United-States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Texas is one of the biggest winners of the USMCA thanks to our annual export of $140 billion in goods to Mexico and Canada; nearly 60% of jobs in the 31st District are reliant on trade with our North American partners.
Texans see the impact of a porous border firsthand. We know the pressure that a tidal wave of illegal immigrants crossing our border causes on our communities. I visit the US–Mexico border regularly and know that while many people cross into the United States looking for an improved quality of life and opportunities, some cross into the U.S. to traffic drugs and people.
I believe successful immigration policy begins at our nation’s borders. We need to employ tactics to secure our border with the use of fences, drones, sensors and surveillance cameras, but it is also important to reform our immigration system to reward those who enter legally, while deterring illegal immigration. Those who choose to break our laws should not be granted citizenship in front of those who have worked hard to do it the right way.
In addition, we must employ an effective temporary worker program to allow employers to hire workers to meet demand and grow our economy. This program will allow workers to enter the United States legally to work in industries where there is a workforce shortage, then return to their home countries when a job is complete. This program should be focused on accountability, prevent immigrants with a criminal history from entering and require immigrants to return home when their position is no longer needed.
I hear and understand the concerns of my constituents throughout the district, and I remain vigilant and committed to keeping our borders safe.
Our great nation and the state of Texas is experiencing a shortage of skilled workers. Sixty-nine percent of businesses across the United States have reported that attracting and retaining skilled workers has never been so challenging. According the Department of Labor, there are about 670,000 more job vacancies than there are potential workers.
Expanding career and technical education opportunities provides skilled workers to fill the gaps in our workforce, and it also gives students an opportunity to follow their own path to success. Texas' 31st district is lucky to have CTE programs in almost every school district in our community, and our schools lead in these programs nationwide. I hope to see these programs across the country so that every student has the chance to succeed.
A Few CTE Facts
It is important that we show the value of pursuing a career in the trades to motivated youth who have not chosen higher education as their path. That's why my office hosts the Career and Technical Education Awards every year to celebrate the students that are excelling in CTE programs across Central Texas. To learn more about the CTE Awards, visit the CTE Awards page.
Because Fort Hood, the Army’s premier installation to train and deploy heavy forces, is in the 31st Congressional District, issues concerning defense are particularly important to me. I am reminded daily of the sacrifices made by the brave people who serve and protect our great nation, and it is of the utmost importance that I do everything I can to support legislation that improves the quality of life for soldiers and their families.
I am proud to serve on the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee to ensure our troops have the equipment, tools and training they need to defend our country. In this position, I am able to advocate on behalf of Fort Hood, and in the last ten years, I have secured over $1 billion for Fort Hood directly.
In 2018, I worked with Army leadership to create a pilot program at Fort Hood so soldiers could get industry credentials prior to leave the Army. The Credentialing Assistance Program helps bridge the gap between military service and civilian jobs for our military members. This program was so successful that it is now employed Army-wide.
In this Congress I have cosponsored several bills to support our troops:
I am committed to looking out for our troops and will continue to work hard on their behalf to provide the services and benefits they so greatly deserve as the protectors of our nation.
I firmly believe that conservative tax policies will drive economic success. We must focus on policies that will strengthen the middle class and grow small businesses.
I proudly supported the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA), which reduced tax rates for most Americans. The TCJA keeps more money in Central Texans' wallets and ushered in the most robust economy in decades.
In this recent Congress, I have co-sponsored several bills to strengthen our tax code and return conservative Texas values into our tax code.
As a former member of the House Committee on Education and Workforce, I know firsthand the important role education plays in the advancement of our nation.
I firmly believe that Texans know best what our educational needs and requirements are, and we should therefore drive our own educational policies. Traditionally, the federal government has played a limited role in how schools are financed, and the state and local government has predominantly driven and implemented education policy.
I supported the Every Student Succeeds Act, which reduces the federal footprint in our educational system, restores control back to the state and local government and, most importantly, empowers parents in decision making.
I regularly cosponsor resolutions that emphasize the importance of career and technical education. I have long said that we must expand career and technical education so that every student has the opportunity to succeed without a traditional four-year college degree.
In this Congress, I also wrote H.R. 4951, the School Security Enhancement Act, which allows educational agencies to use specified portions of Student Support and Academic Enrichment grants to make schools safer.
As a former member of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee and a proud Texan, I believe the best energy policies are grounded in science, protect our quality of life, and provide the greatest benefit to both the environment and people.
I believe in an "all of the above" energy strategy that implements renewable energy sources (wind, solar, geothermal and ethanol) while maximizing our production and use of fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas). This approach allows us to provide for future requirements, while making sure we provide for today.
As a lifelong Texan, I know how valuable water is to communities, farms and livestock. Texans understand the impact our water sources have in our state. I support water conservation strategies to ensure that in times of water crisis, the citizens of our great state will be able to fill the need on our farms and in our homes. I also strongly oppose federal expansion and regulation of landowners' waterways and sources. It is essential for Texans to makes decisions about Texas waterways.
As a father of four and grandfather of six, upholding family values is one of my top priorities. The guidance of God and my family direct my decisions in Congress, and I fight hard to protect the foundation our great nation was built on.
As a strong supporter of the pro-life movement, I oppose tax-payer dollars from being used to fund abortions. With 60% of Americans against public financing of abortions, I am committed to protecting the integrity of your tax dollars while upholding the sanctity of life.
Two of my children are educators and I know the importance of transparency and parental input in the classroom curriculum. Many parents are adamantly opposed to CRT and I believe their voices should be heard. I cosponsored a resolution opposing the teaching of CRT in U.S. schools on the ground that it is in ideological tool instead of a beneficial education.
As a father of four and grandfather of six, upholding family values is one of my top priorities. The guidance of God and my family direct my decisions in Congress, and I fight hard to protect the foundation our great nation was built on.
As a strong supporter of the pro-life movement, I oppose tax-payer dollars from being used to fund abortions. With 60% of Americans against public financing of abortions, I am committed to protecting the integrity of your tax dollars while upholding the sanctity of life.
Two of my children are educators and I know the importance of transparency and parental input in the classroom curriculum. Many parents are adamantly opposed to CRT and I believe their voices should be heard. I cosponsored a resolution opposing the teaching of CRT in U.S. schools on the ground that it is in ideological tool instead of a beneficial education.
Our Founding Fathers recognized the important role that an informed citizenry plays in our government. The American people have a right to get accurate information about what is happening in their government, and I believe that transparency is the best way to govern.
As your representative in Congress, I have fought to ensure that our government truly serves the people, and is held accountable when it fails to do so.
Here are a few pieces of legislation I have introduced, cosponsored or supported that support government transparency and accountability:
As a result of former President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, millions of Americans have been put in the difficult position of having to choose between basic needs and insurance.
Since its implementation, Congress has made progress in reducing the burdens placed by Obamacare, and I will continue to support common sense approaches to improve health care.
I believe people with preexisting conditions should be covered under the health care system and patients must have the right to choose their physician, pharmacy and services, rather than the government making that choice for them.
To lower the cost of health care, it is imperative that Congress immediately implement tort reform. Tort reform would make changes to the civil justice system reducing a person’s ability to bring frivolous lawsuits. Tort lawsuits have driven countless medical practitioners out of the field and resulted in escalated medical costs for all Americans.
I supported the American Health Care Act of 2017. This act would repeal Obamacare and replace it with a far more equitable solution that would benefit small businesses and Americans struggling with health care costs. By repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, Americans would save more than $770 billion in tax hikes, and it would reduce the burdens placed on small businesses.
In July 2019, I voted to repeal the Middle Class Health Benefits Real Act. The bill eliminated a tax, often referred to as the “Cadillac tax,” which put an undue burden on more than 181 million working Americans who have health insurance as part of their employment.
I cosponsored the bipartisan bill H.R. 3502, the Protecting People from Surprise Medical Bills Act. This bill requires health insurers to fully disclose all in-network and out-of-network deductibles and out-of-pocket maximum limitations on the back of insurance cards. This bill also prohibits health care providers from billing individuals at out-of-network rates in the event of an unexpected emergency visit.
This great state of Texas is abundant with small rural communities, which is why I fully support programs that improve incentives for students and doctors that choose to practice in areas that face a shortage of health professionals. Incentives will encourage a stable medical workforce for our rural communities. Finally, I am continuously working on improving the Medicare and TRICARE doctor reimbursement rates to ensure our senior and military families are able to receive the medical care they need and deserve.
As a former judge, I know that law and order is the foundation of our society. Our Constitution provides the moral framework for the policies and actions of the U.S. government and protects the liberties we enjoy as Americans. It is critical to uphold these rights to ensure all citizens are treated justly. As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I have supported increased funding for federal law enforcement efforts. It’s critical that those fighting terrorism, cybercrime, illegal drug efforts, and human trafficking receive the support they need.
As a strong supporter of our local law enforcement, I was proud to author and introduce the Protecting Our Lives by Initiating COPS Expansion (POLICE) Act, which was signed into law in July 2016. This bill allows grant funding to train law enforcement and first responders to deal with active shooter threats.
In 2018 my bill, the Justice Served Act, was signed into law by President Trump. The Justice Served Act was created to help give closure to victims of violent crime and their families that never received justice. The bill directs funding to state and local jurisdictions to prosecute criminals who have been identified through newly discovered DNA evidence. With this new funding finally available, justice will be served.
Lastly, I will continue to protect Americans' constitutional rights. I have supported legislation that protects lawful gun owners' right to purchase firearms, while also supporting legislation to fix the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, so guns do not end up in the hands of those who are prohibited from purchasing them.
As a Texan, and an American, I fully support our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Our Constitution not only provides the framework for our government, but outlines the liberties guaranteed to all American citizens. I spent 20 years on the bench with the Constitution as my guide to preserve law and order while protecting the rights of all Texans.
I support legislation that protects lawful gun owners’ right to purchase firearms, while also supporting legislation to fix the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, so guns do not end up in the hands of those who are prohibited from purchasing them. This includes protecting our police officers who face gun crime head on by supporting legislation to broaden the authority for officers to carry concealed firearms across state lines.
In addition to the right to bear arms, I firmly believe all Texans have the right to their independence and minimal government interference. That is why I oppose the United States entering the National Arms Trade Treaty, which would subject the Second Amendment right to international oversight and interference.
Federal spending must be reduced, but it should not be at the expense of programs like Social Security and Medicare. It is important that these programs remain strong and intact for current and future generations who have and will contribute to these programs through years of hard work.
I support a three-pronged approach to ensure the long-term success of Medicare. The first is to repeal the Affordable Care Act in order to prevent the rationing of Medicare. In order to pay for the $2.8 trillion health care law, Medicare has been stripped of nearly half a trillion dollars in funds. Second is to preserve the current Medicare program for those 55 and older. The third is to strengthen health and retirement security by taking power away from government bureaucrats and empowering patients with control over their own care.
I cosponsored H.R. 19, the Lower Costs, More Cures Act of 2019. This bill provides Medicare transitional coverage and retroactive Medicare Part D coverage and site-of-service transparency. It requires insurance companies to make drug pricing available to the doctor's office so a patient knows how much a prescription will be prior to heading to the pharmacy.
I support legislation that ensures everyone is treated fairly by Social Security by eliminating the WEP/GPO. There are approximately 1.3 million firefighters, police officers and other public servants who earn both Social Security and a public state pension. When they retire, Social Security uses a complex algorithm to determine their benefit, which results in their benefits being reduced by hundreds of dollars per month. This one-size-fits-all approach simply is not working.
I believe Congress has a responsibility to address the challenges facing Social Security and Medicare. I will work with my colleagues to make sure these vital programs are around for our children and grandchildren.
Protecting Americans from terrorism is as relevant today as it was on that fateful September morning in 2001. The alarming trend of terrorist attacks across the western world is a constant reminder that we must remain vigilant and use every tool at our disposal to keep our communities safe. We must fight back against this ideology of hate that has pitted itself against freedom and liberty. As the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee I work every day to ensure the men and women charged with providing our security have the resources they need to keep Americans safe.
We must do everything in our power to detect and prevent terrorist attacks. It is the responsibility of Congress to ensure that our intelligence community has the tools and the freedom to monitor terrorists as they plot against us. We must also support a culture of preparedness that readies our communities to immediately respond and recover should an attack succeed. This includes training our local and state first-responders while providing adequate resources to our federal agencies.
Our nation must also be prepared to respond to natural disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy taught us lessons that we cannot forget. As the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, I have worked to ensure that FEMA has the tools, leadership, and organizational structure to quickly and effectively respond to all natural disasters.
Through the work of my subcommittee, the federal government is able to furnish competitive grant opportunities to cities, states, and private business to better prepare ourselves against an attack or natural disaster. I will continue to fight to ensure Texas’ 31st Congressional district and communities across the country receive this vital funding for their police and fire departments.
Providing for the security of our homeland and the safety of our citizens is a daunting mission. Whether on the high seas, on our border, in the cyber domain, or in the communities in which we live, we cannot fail to safeguard the homeland. I look forward to continuing my work to ensure that the brave men and women that keep us safe have the resources and support in Congress that they need to accomplish this mission.
Protecting Americans from terrorism is as relevant today as it was on that fateful September morning in 2001. The alarming trend of terrorist attacks across the western world is a constant reminder that we must remain vigilant and use every tool at our disposal to keep our communities safe. We must fight back against this ideology of hate that has pitted itself against freedom and liberty. As the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee I work every day to ensure the men and women charged with providing our security have the resources they need to keep Americans safe.
We must do everything in our power to detect and prevent terrorist attacks. It is the responsibility of Congress to ensure that our intelligence community has the tools and the freedom to monitor terrorists as they plot against us. We must also support a culture of preparedness that readies our communities to immediately respond and recover should an attack succeed. This includes training our local and state first-responders while providing adequate resources to our federal agencies.
Our nation must also be prepared to respond to natural disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy taught us lessons that we cannot forget. As the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, I have worked to ensure that FEMA has the tools, leadership, and organizational structure to quickly and effectively respond to all natural disasters.
Through the work of my subcommittee, the federal government is able to furnish competitive grant opportunities to cities, states, and private business to better prepare ourselves against an attack or natural disaster. I will continue to fight to ensure Texas’ 31st Congressional district and communities across the country receive this vital funding for their police and fire departments.
Providing for the security of our homeland and the safety of our citizens is a daunting mission. Whether on the high seas, on our border, in the cyber domain, or in the communities in which we live, we cannot fail to safeguard the homeland. I look forward to continuing my work to ensure that the brave men and women that keep us safe have the resources and support in Congress that they need to accomplish this mission.
Smartly addressing the transportation challenges of reducing traffic congestion and facilitating the movement of goodsare among the most important issues facing Central Texas. In addition to improving our current transportation infrastructure, I believe we must embrace a multi-modal approach to accommodate the demands both increased population and industrial growth have made on the region.
I never stop working to ensure the transportation needs of central Texas are addressed. During my time in Congress I have secured funding for important transportation infrastructure projects which expand services into Williamson and Bell Counties. I have long supported improvements to the interstates that run through and surround Bell and Williamson Counties as well as those that are critical conduits for the rapid movements of goods from Texas’ ports to the rest of the nation.
As TX-31 continues its extraordinary growth, I will continue to do all I can to ensure the transportation priorities of the region are addressed in forward-thinking and effective ways.
The interests of our brave men and women who have served in uniform must remain a top priority for the United States government! Throughout my time in Congress, I have worked consistently to increase funding for the VA and veterans’ benefits as well as supported policies that ensure we treat veterans right.
I’m the proud author of the Veterans Transplant Coverage Act which updates the Veteran Choice Program to ensure all veterans have access to live-donor organ transplants, regardless of whether or not the organ donor is a veteran. This important legislation closes a loophole in existing policy and brings a common-sense approach to helping veterans in need.
Our veterans deserve the best and the VA must be held accountable! Bureaucrats within the VA have a record of skirting responsibilities and commitments to our nation’s warriors. I called on the FBI to conduct an investigation of the Temple VA facility for criminal activities, and for the Veterans Affairs Administration to investigate as well to administer cultural and bureaucratic reforms. While the backlogs of disability claims and wait times have fallen, there is more work to be done and I won’t stop until the VA treats veterans right!
I’m committed to working on behalf of veterans to ensure the VA delivers the services they’ve earned. My Round Rock and Temple offices stand ready to work with veterans to assist them with any casework issues.