The Honorable John Briscoe, is an elected and reelected Trustee to the Ocean View School District, a seat he first won in 2006. Mr. Briscoe is well educated with two advanced degrees. He has earned his M.B.A. from Claremont Graduate University, Peter Drucker School of Business, and his M.P.A. from CSULB California State University at Long Beach, School of Public Policy. He also possesses two undergraduate BA degrees in Psychology and Speech Communication, and was awarded his Certificate of Honors at graduation from CSULB.
The homeless problem in our communities of Los Angeles and Orange Counties is big and growing bigger. Today the ordinary resident must step over sleeping urine-soaked bodies strewn sleeping on our streets and sidewalks. Our parks can be seen filled with daytime sleeping homeless folks, “sleeping it off.” It is too much. We must put a stop to the rampant homelessness.
The Federal Government must secure our borders assuring only persons allowed and authorized enter the US. We are a sovereign nation and a secure border is essential to maintaining our sovereignty. We must fix our US visa system to ensure accurate industry based immigration. And once our border is secured, we can discuss pathways to citizenship for those who have earned it.
The Federal Government must spend the highway trust fund dollars on infrastructure as intended. Diversions of highway money to alternative uses like the “bullet-train-to nowhere” must stop. Private and public partnerships can extend tax dollars effectiveness with benefits for all. Project Labor Agreements are the bane of cost savings and taxpayer value.
I recognize the current need to protect preexisting conditions as part and parcel of all health insurance plans and should remain so. But there are other areas in which we need to get to work! We need to alleviate price controls on hospitals and doctors that do nothing, except drive prices up and open up the insurance market nationwide to increase competition and reduce pricing.
The Federal Government must immediately work at assure full cooperation by all jurisdictions with ICE and Homeland Security immigration enforcement. Criminal aliens must not be released back into the community without Federal vetting. Shipping felons back does no good if they can just walk back over again and again as they currently do.
The Federal Government must spend the highway trust fund dollars on infrastructure as intended. Diversions of highway money to alternative uses like the "bullet-train-to nowhere" must stop. Private and public partnerships can extend tax dollars effectiveness with benefits for all. Project Labor Agreements are the bane of cost savings and taxpayer value.
Families are voting with their feet, leaving the State of California for lower tax states with fair equitable gas and auto tax laws. California must be made to spend all auto tax dollars collected directly on auto related expenditures including Federal Highway funds. Over taxing both car and fuel used to get to work is outrageous and will be stopped.