My name is Donna Buckley, I am a resident of Falmouth, a wife, mother, grandmother, lawyer, and most recently the General Counsel for the Barnstable County Sheriff Office. I grew up in a family where opportunities came only through hard work and persistence.Many years before I would go to college and law school, my grandmother was working as a union member in a shoe factory. After graduating from law school, I devoted my career to working with unions representing public safety employees and educators, ensuring these public servants had the support and resources necessary to be successful.
Activate proven programs that help inmates better themselves and achieve life goals, like job training and counseling, educational opportunities, and comprehensive mental health & drug and alcohol treatment, including Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT).
Equip the dedicated and hard-working correctional officers with the resources and training needed to do the job in today’s world, as well as put education and treatment professionals in place who have the qualifications and life experience to produce the best results.
Create robust pre-release centers that include reintegration into families and the workplace as part of their focus.
Move to end 287(g) because it does not make Barnstable safer. As Sheriff, I will always work towards the key goals of the office, to provide education, treatment and support to those in my care and custody so when they leave my care, they can be productive members of society. 287(g) does not add to those goals.