Chris is a lifelong Cape Codder who is completely vested in our communities. He works at his family business in Hyannis and his children attend Barnstable schools. He is committed to making sure that the Cape & Islands continue to be a beautiful, safe, and inviting place for young families to thrive.
Indefinitely Suspend the Gas Tax to give some immediate relief at the pump
Indefinitely Suspend State Utility Taxes to give relief to live comfortably at home
Remove Unnecessary and Burdensome Regulations to keep businesses open
Push for Annual Tax Holidays throughout the year to help families manage expenses
Double the Dependent Care Tax Credit on income taxes so families can get more back in their return and help offset inflation
Double the Senior Circuit Breaker Credit to keep seniors in their homes with lower taxes
Increase No Income Tax Status to $12,400 for single filers, $24,800 for joint filers, and $18,650 for heads of household - eliminating the income tax for more than 234,000 low-income filers.
Local Control of Services will empower town governments to provide the services we need. Local government is closest to its citizens and is keenly aware of the needs of the People in the community. To do that, we need an ally on Beacon Hill who will:
Reduce and Streamline State Regulations on education, law enforcement, public works, and how we provide municipal services.
Substantially Increase Local Aid and Funding to help municipal governments fully provide essential services without raising property taxes.
Create a Study Commission to localize some public assistance services for families in need - local governments know what is needed in their communities and they will keep a closer eye on the budget and overall effectiveness.
Advocate for Criminal Justice Reforms that keep our communities safe. I support Governor Baker’s Dangerousness Bill which is currently unable to pass due to Democratic supermajorities in both legislative chambers.
Defend, Not Defund our Local and State Police while holding them accountable for any breaches of the public’s trust.
Advocate for New and Creative Solutions to address the decades-long housing crisis on the Cape & Islands. The same old policies have not worked and will not work for the People of our communities.
Balance conservation and density concerns with the practical reality that we need more units available to all income levels across the Cape & Islands to keep our families and essential workers local.
Advocate for Critical Infrastructure Improvements that will allow our local residents and summer visitors to safely and efficiently get where they need to go. Our major roadways have not had significant capacity improvements in half a century - there are a lot more cars on the road now than there were in 1972, and the roadways need to reflect that.