Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is an influential and forceful voice in Washington. She is serving her fourteenth term as a member of the United States House of Representatives. She represents the 18th Congressional District of Texas, centered in Houston, which is the energy capital of the world. Considered by many as the “Voice of Reason”, she is dedicated to upholding the Constitutional rights of all people.
She sits on three Congressional Committees — a senior member of the House Committees on the Judiciary and Homeland Security and appointed by the leadership as a Member of the crucial Budget Committee.
Congresswoman Jackson Lee is one of the most outspoken proponents of comprehensive immigration reform in the Congress. She strongly believes that only a comprehensive approach to solving the current immigration crisis in the U.S. will produce results. While a strong supporter of securing our borders, she considers essential the need for bringing close to 12 million illegal immigrants out of the shadows of society through earned access to legalization. She also believes that unity of families is an essential American value and should be one of the fundamentals of immigration reform, along with increasing the diversity of immigration from parts of the world that have been historically underrepresented such as the Caribbean, Africa or treated unequally such as Haiti.
Congresswoman Jackson Lee has a long record of intervention to advance humanitarian causes in the immigration context, from preventing the breakup of individual families as a result of a wrongful deportation, to ensuring that victims of civil wars and national disasters around the globe receive a temporary protected status under the U.S. immigration Laws. She has authored several bills about immigration including the H.R. 750, the "Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act", which sets forth a comprehensive and humane solution to immigration reform. Congresswoman Jackson Lee has also consistently advocated better protection for American workers and employers within the immigration context.