On January 3, 2019, Congressman Robert B. Aderholt took the oath of office to serve his twelfth term representing Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District.
I believe the majority of Alabamians support spending cuts and the implementation of a framework to require Washington to live within its means from here on out. We need to protect taxpayers, ensure our seniors and veterans receive the benefits they rightfully deserve, and change the 'spend now, pay later culture of Washington.
We have seen continually weak growth in the economy, record high unemployment, and thousands of jobs being lost. The time for action is now. In May 2012, I voted to replace the sequester (an idea that originated with President Obama) with targeted cuts that would protect our national security and address the drivers of our national debt. In December 2012, I wrote a letter to Speaker John Boehner, stating my support for spending cuts as the best measure to address the looming fiscal cliff, not tax increases. The absence of spending cuts, paired with tax increases, in the fiscal cliff legislation passed by the House and Senate on January 1, 2013 led to my vote in opposition to this bill.
Additionally, sustainable job creation is critical as we move to strengthen our economy. Every American who wants to work deserves the opportunity to earn an honest living. For the small businesses that provide many of these jobs, it is critical they are given the opportunity to do what they do best, create jobs, not be unnecessarily burdened by red tape or other bureaucratic restrictions.
In short, I believe that the strength of our economy lies in the people and businesses of the United States, not with further government spending.