Rishi Kumar is a Silicon Valley hi-tech executive, a mechanical engineer by education, and a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives (CA-16). He is currently a Saratoga City councilmember - elected with the most votes in his city’s election history - and is serving his second term. Rishi is running against Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, who is in her 44th year in public office.
Immigrants are the strength of this country. It sickens me to see the human rights violations committed against them at the border, the atrocities of detention camps, and the cruel separation of families that follows deportation. Hearing of unconsented medical procedures upon migrant women in ICE detention centers is shocking! I will do my very best to prevent such abominations from occurring in our country. At the same time, we cannot create a crisis situation at the border as people attempt to jump the border illegally, with hundreds dying tragically during this process.