Rishi Kumar is a Silicon Valley hi-tech executive, a mechanical engineer by education, and a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives (CA-16). He is currently a Saratoga City councilmember - elected with the most votes in his city’s election history - and is serving his second term. Rishi is running against Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, who is in her 44th year in public office.
America’s defense spending is greater than the next 10 countries combined. We should cut our bloated defense budget, not increase. The new wars are going to be an economic warfare, biowarfare, bioterrorism. America needs to be prepared! Our defense strategy has to evolve, focused upon protecting America and not upon regime change wars. We need to actively pull back from bases all over the world, develop a pandemic preparedness plan and be ready for the economic warfare of the future; protect ourselves from bioterrorism and biowarfare.