Rishi Kumar is a Silicon Valley hi-tech executive, a mechanical engineer by education, and a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives (CA-16). He is currently a Saratoga City councilmember - elected with the most votes in his city’s election history - and is serving his second term. Rishi is running against Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, who is in her 44th year in public office.
The price of gasoline is dominating conversations today and will definitely play out in the primary election just around the corner.
While many point to the recent Russia-Ukraine conflict as the sole cause of our high gas prices, the sentiment is actually incorrect as gas and oil production was already decreasing far before the conflict. In 2020, the amount of active US oil rigs reached an all time low with the pandemic and although since then they have been steadily increasing we are not even at the same level as the active oil rigs in 2019.