Michael Ernest Kerr (Green Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent California's 10th Congressional District. He is on the ballot in the general election on November 8, 2022. He advanced from the primary on June 7, 2022.
We must call for the repeal of the USA PATRIOT Act. Many of its provisions, along with many of the other so-called National Security Acts, undermine and erode our Bill of Rights, and contribute to the destruction of the democratic foundation of checks and balances between the branches of government.
1. Revoke the 2011 re-authorization of the Patriot Act, including "John Doe" roving wiretaps and the "library records" provision.
2. Restore habeas corpus, a legal action to obtain relief from illegal detention. End the use of indefinite detention without trial.
3. End the abuse of National Security Letters, which the FBI uses to force Internet service providers, libraries, banks, and credit reporting companies to reveal sensitive information about their patrons.
4. End illegal government spying, including the use of warrantless wiretaps. Three federal judges have ruled that President Bush's National Security Agency warrantless wiretaps violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which contains criminal sanctions. Ensure that anyone who violated the FISA is held accountable for crimes committed.
5. Strictly enforce our First Amendment rights of speech, assembly, association and petition.
6. Support strict Fourth Amendment protections against illegal search and seizure.
7. Recognize that the privacy protections of the 4th amendment extend to the Internet.
8. End torture, such as in prisons like Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and other U.S.-controlled facilities. Ensure those guilty of ordering or executing torture are held accountable for violations U.S. and international law.