Michael Ernest Kerr (Green Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent California's 10th Congressional District. He is on the ballot in the general election on November 8, 2022. He advanced from the primary on June 7, 2022.
We must have comprehensive, humane, and competent care of all people with HIV/AIDS.
The AIDS epidemic has not had adequate public health management at all government levels.
Drug corporations have a strong profit motive to encourage for medical management of those with HIV by using medication that keeps the virus from being detected in the blood. This means there are guaranteed sales of very expensive drugs. Rather than invest in research for a cure like they have done with Hepatitis C, the drug companies invest in drugs that manage a chronic illness.
The failure to invest in research for a cure is because mainstream society has the belief that contracting HIV is self-inflicted by "sinful" or "illegal" behavior. The largest groups with HIV/AIDS in the USA are men who have sex with men, including gay, bisexual, and trans men, and men of color, particularly of African and Latinx descent. Persons who share needles are the next largest group of persons with HIV/AIDS in the USA.
While HIV drug treatment regimens have saved lives, some people suffer from debilitating side effects where quality of life is poor. There is also the economic side effect due to the high cost of these life-saving medications.