Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (pronounced: “Boo-shon”) represents the Eighth District of Indiana, which encompasses all or part of 19 counties in Southwest and West Central Indiana.
Since coming to Congress, Larry has been a champion for advancing patient-centered health care reforms that will give patients and their doctors the freedom to make their own health care decisions as opposed to Washington bureaucrats. He has also been a leader in the fight to end the opioid epidemic, having been just one of eight lawmakers from around the nation recognized by the Coalition to Stop Opioid Overdose in 2016 for his work on the issue. Beyond health care, Larry has also been a recognized leader on transportation issues when he previously served on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
In order for our economy to have strong, consistent growth, we must focus on getting Americans back to work. With the nation’s unemployment at or near 8% since January 2009, Congress must take the necessary steps to reduce unemployment. In order for the private-sector to create jobs and hire new employees, we must address our corporate and individual tax structure. In addition, we need to eliminate overreaching government regulations that are causing economic uncertainty in the business community. We also need to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which is causing businesses to reduce the number of employees and avoid expansion due to the costs of this unwise legislation.
As a nation that was founded on free enterprise, the government must stop passing legislation that prevents entrepreneurs from starting and growing small businesses, which are the heart of the economy.