Congresswoman Kathleen Rice represents New York's Fourth Congressional District, which encompasses the majority of Nassau County, NY, a diverse suburban community located on Long Island.
First elected to Congress in 2014, Kathleen has become a leading voice on national security issues as a member of the Homeland Security Committee, where she passed legislation to improve airport security screening in her first year and conducted rigorous oversight of the Trump Administration's border policies during her tenure as Chair of the Subcommittee on Border Security, Facilitation, and Operations. As a member of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, Kathleen established herself as a fierce advocate for veterans and for accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs, and she authored bipartisan legislation to expand employment opportunities for veterans, which was signed into law in January 2021. For the 117th Congress, Kathleen was named to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, which has the broadest jurisdiction of any authorizing committee in Congress, and she remains a member of the Homeland Security Committee.
While our economy has made significant progress since the recession, Kathleen knows that too many people still aren’t feeling the benefits of our nation’s economic recovery. Too many people are struggling to make ends meet, seeing little to no wage growth while costs of living keep rising. Middle-class families are still feeling financially insecure, and those striving to reach the middle class are finding it harder and harder to get there.
Kathleen believes this is a critical moment for our economy. We have the opportunity to restore the strength of the middle class, create good middle-class jobs, boost wages for working families and lay the foundation for long-term economic growth and enhanced competitiveness in the 21st century economy. Kathleen is working to seize that opportunity by advocating for a forward-looking economic agenda that supports small business growth and innovation, invests in our workforce, and capitalizes on opportunities to create jobs and boost wages by selling more American products and services to customers overseas.
It’s often said that small businesses are the backbone of the American economy, and that’s especially true for our district’s local economy. Small businesses are the driving force of job growth and economic development in communities across our district, and Kathleen is working to advance policies that help small businesses grow and foster an innovative environment in which more entrepreneurs come to our district to start their companies. Kathleen also recognizes that one of the best ways we can enhance the competitiveness of small businesses is by reforming our outdated tax code, which often burdens small businesses while corporations benefit from loopholes that encourage companies to outsource jobs and keep profits overseas. Kathleen supports comprehensive tax reform and will continue working to bring our tax code into the 21st century and eliminate loopholes that hurt our economy and put small businesses at a competitive disadvantage.
Climate change is a major threat to our national security, our environment, and to our economy – but it also presents us with a tremendous opportunity to grow our local economy. Long Island has the potential to be a national leader in clean energy production, which will create good, green jobs and new opportunities in our district. Kathleen knows we need to capitalize on that potential by making aggressive investments in clean energy sources like wind and solar power, and she will continue working to advance policies that reduce costs for clean technology manufacturers so they can expand their operations and create good local jobs.
Our country was built by the best workforce in the world, and we have to make it a priority to making smart investments to ensure that American workers have the knowledge, skills and experience they need to succeed in our changing global economy. Kathleen supports expanding skills and technological training, particularly in the fields of renewable energy and clean technology so that workers on Long Island can help lead the transition away from fossil fuels. Kathleen is also a vocal advocate for enhanced science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education to better prepare American students to compete for the best jobs in the 21st century economy.
Repairing our country’s critical infrastructure is an economic imperative that has enormous potential to create good middle-class jobs and lay the foundation for long-term economic growth. Here in New York, our crumbling roads and bridges cost New York drivers billions of dollars a year, and costs us all even more in lost productivity and missed opportunities. Rebuilding our infrastructure must be done, and we all stand to benefit. Kathleen will continue fighting for aggressive infrastructure investments that will create good jobs – jobs that pay more equitable wages than other occupations, according to U.S. employment data – as well as promote greater efficiency and long-term growth, support American manufacturing and boost exports of American-made goods to international customers.