Joe was first elected in 2018 to represent Colorado’s 2nd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, becoming the first African-American elected to serve in Congress in Colorado history. He serves as Chair of the Subcommittee on Public Lands and was elected by his peers to the No. 8 position in House Democratic Leadership as the Co-Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.
Inaction on gun violence is simply not an option. As the Vice-Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, Joe has been a leader in Congress on ending the epidemic of gun violence, and is committed to doing everything he can to save lives and stop these senseless tragedies. In April of 2021 he led a series of letters to President Biden urging him to take executive actions to curb gun violence, and at Joe’s urging, the President issued an order that will more strictly regulate concealable assault-style weapons, among other reforms. Joe also helped lead efforts in the House to pass legislation to close dangerous loopholes in our background check system. These are important steps forward, but the work continues. Joe is committed to passing meaningful reforms that keep weapons of war out of our communities.