Jessica began her career in politics as a City Councilor At-Large for the City of Revere in 2012. In that time, she has worked on countless issues that impact the daily lives of the citizens of Revere, as well as ordinances that will impact generations to follow. In 2013 her inclusive style and strong leadership qualities prompted her colleagues to elect her Vice President of the Council. In 2016 and 2018, Jessica had the honor of serving as City Council President. During that time, she worked ensure the agenda maintained a balance between protecting and growing the city’s economic base, without compromising the quality of city services to residents. Jessica believes it is her responsibility to ensure that Revere’s government is accountable to the people, financially responsible and forward thinking.
We must continue to address the addiction epidemic, including through the commitment of resources that increase access to recovery services, the mental health needs of those struggling or the families of those struggling with substance abuse. As a former City Councilor, and lifelong Revere resident, I’m aware of the trickling affect the addiction epidemic has, and how prevalent it is in our District.
I was an active Power of Know member at Revere High School. Power of Know is group of student leaders dedicated to raising awareness of the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use. The club strives to get students more involved in school activities as healthy alternatives to destructive behaviors.
In my personal and professional life, I have worked on efforts focused on substance abuse prevention education as well as recovery high schools. I have also participated in numerous Recovery Month events including Revere’s Community Walk for Recovery.