Jennifer Bacon's career experience includes working as an educator.
As the cost of living continues to rise in Colorado, I want to make sure that our residents do not just survive, but that they have the opportunity to thrive. This means I am ready to fight for living wages that allow families to live comfortably, free of the burdens of outrageous medical debt or out of control housing prices. I am committed to investing in affordable housing to sustain our communities and end the displacement of our long-time residents, particularly those of color. The high costs of health care have sent far too many Coloradans into bankruptcy, and because of that, I will work to ensure access to quality, affordable healthcare for all. We need a legislator with a strong understanding of the needs in our communities, and I will fight to make your needs heard and prioritized. As the Bell Policy concluded in a 2018 study, "We also discover Colorado has made modest progress over the past two decades increasing middle class representation among Hispanic families, while experiencing retrenchment among black families. The education and occupation gaps have widened between the state’s lower-, middle-, and upper-income classes, although family income inequality has remained fairly constant over time." It's past time for us to re-invest in the "vibrancy of Colorado's middle class families."