Jeffrey Sossa-Paquette is a husband, a father, a native New Englander, and an entrepreneur. After creating and building several successful businesses, employing hundreds of people, Jeff today owns a child care center in Worcester County. He and his husband Julian are raising two beautiful children, Ashley and Rylan.
Parents must be empowered to choose the right education for their children. Not bureaucrats. Not teachers unions. School Choice, funding that follows the child — not the school district, and fewer federal mandates will allow us to prepare our young people for the economies of today and tomorrow, rather than the 1950’s.
The Federal Department of Education was created almost 40 years ago. It has spent hundreds of billions of our tax dollars, and managed to extend its bureaucratic reach into every corner of the American classroom.
What it has NOT done is improve education for our kids.
To the contrary, the U.S. has fallen behind many other nations, with consequences that endure for generations. Control of education must be returned to the local and state levels, and we need to get the bureaucrats out of the way of the innovation, investment and freedom that will return the U.S. to its rightful leadership in the quality of education our young people deserve and need.