Jeff Duncan is a South Carolina native and a 1988 graduate of Clemson University. Prior to being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010, Congressman Duncan served as Branch Manager and Assistant Vice President during his seven years working in community banking. Later, he became the President and CEO of J. Duncan Associates, a South Carolina based, family owned real estate marketing firm which specialized in statewide real estate auctions. Duncan concurrently served as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 2002-2010.
There are many veterans that live in our district and their issues are important to me and to my work in Congress.
The United States is blessed to have the finest troops in the history of the world, where so many heroes are willing to put on our country's uniform in defense of our freedoms. I believe we have a sacred responsibility to support our troops both on the battlefield and when they return home to civilian life, and we must honor the promises made to those who have answered our nation's call to service.
After seeing the horrific stories that came out of the Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) during the Obama Administration, it was evident that there needed to be other options for veterans who were waiting in line for months to see a doctor or traveling far distances from their home just to visit the VA. The Choice Program has seen success and popularity during its implementation phase by being an effective way for veterans to see private doctors for faster care closer to home if they so choose. I was proud to support the authorization and funding of the Veterans Choice program on July 28, 2017.
I have cosponsored bills this Congress to help our veterans including H.R. 3497, the Modernization of Medical Records Access for Veterans Act of 2017 which directs the Department of Veterans Affairs to carry out in at least one Veterans Integrated Services Network a pilot program for at least a 12-month period during which veterans enrolled in the VA's patient enrollment system will use a portable medical records storage system to store and share with VA health care providers and community health care providers records of their individual medical histories. I believe it is important that we are giving our veterans the best and timeliest care possible.
In addition to the forty-two veteran's bills that have passed the House this Congress, the President recently signed in law the VA MISSION Act. The VA MISSION Act expands both access and choices when it comes to veteran's health care. This law is a huge step in the right direction, and I was proud to support it. The MISSION Act improves seven VA community healthcare programs; Improves the VA's hiring process to ensure quality, qualified professionals; Evaluates how the VA's existing facilities are currently being used; Expands the VA's caregiver support program; Allows veterans to receive their healthcare services from private hospitals and doctors; Allows VA healthcare professionals to practice telemedicine; and strengthens the process for opioid prescribing by VA professionals and community care providers.