Jeff Duncan is a South Carolina native and a 1988 graduate of Clemson University. Prior to being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010, Congressman Duncan served as Branch Manager and Assistant Vice President during his seven years working in community banking. Later, he became the President and CEO of J. Duncan Associates, a South Carolina based, family owned real estate marketing firm which specialized in statewide real estate auctions. Duncan concurrently served as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 2002-2010.
The issues of Defense and Border Security are extremely important to my work in Congress, and our country as a whole.
Today's military strategies, capabilities, and challenges look very different than they did during the days of the Cold War. Luckily we now have a President that truly makes our military a top priority. Today's challenges involve determining what resources are necessary to keep America's technical and competitive edge to ensure we can keep the peace through strength. In the 21st Century, America must defend our interests and our freedoms against shadowy terror networks and their state sponsors, as well as defending our position in the world from those who may seek to replace us. It is refreshing to have a President that takes our national security seriously and is dedicated to ensuring that they constantly have the resources necessary to protect us.
Immigration: Illegal immigration in our country puts an intense strain on our health care, welfare, and budgetary systems. It is estimated that illegal immigration costs the federal government between $60 and $100 billion as illegal aliens take advantage of entitlement and public benefits. As your Representative, I have worked to finish the fence along the southern border and cosponsored numerous pieces of legislation that would correct the anchor baby problem, close tax code provisions that allow illegal immigrants to claim tax credits for children living overseas, prohibit the granting of amnesty to illegal aliens, and eliminate the visa lottery.
The House recently voted on two different immigration bills- H.R. 4760, Securing America's Future Act of 2018 and H.R. 6136, Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018. Unfortunately, both bills failed to pass through the House, and the conversation of how to address our nation's worsening immigration problems is still an ongoing debate.
The issues of Defense and Border Security are extremely important to my work in Congress, and our country as a whole.
I was a cosponsor of H.R. 4760, the Securing America's Future Act of 2018 because I believe that this bill included true reforms that our nation needs to adopt including ending chain migration, building the wall, making e-verify mandatory, criminalizing visa overstays and more. I have supported and will continue to support legislation and policies that address the major immigration problems that we currently face to ensure a secure, successful America.
Stopping Terrorists from being sent to the United States: In the 114th Congress I sponsored a bill, H.Res.617, "Providing for authority to initiate litigation for actions by the President or other executive branch officials inconsistent with their duties under the Constitution of the United States with respect to the unlawful transfer of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba." These terrorists should not be transferred to South Carolina or any other state, and the laws regarding releasing these detainees abroad must be respected. It is important for Congress to legally prepare to respond to any possible violation of the law, which is what this legislation aimed to accomplish.
H.R. 844, The Terrorist Deportation Act: In the 115th Congress I reintroduced the Terrorist Deportation Act of 2017, which would make anyone that law enforcement officials have placed in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) who isn't a citizen or a permanent resident eligible for immediate and mandatory deportation proceedings. My bill will make it harder for suspected terrorists to come to America and easier for our law enforcement and counterterrorism professionals to remove suspected terrorists who are already here.
Under current procedures, when law enforcement officials have reasonable grounds of suspicion that a person might be a terrorist, they enter that person into the Terrorist Screening Database. The TSDB is estimated to have roughly one million people listed, of whom around 5% are US persons (defined as either citizens or permanent residents). The bill first makes those listed in the TSDB inadmissible into the country, then makes those who are in the country eligible for mandatory expedited deportation proceedings. The bill also creates a due process hearing for those on the TSDB who may have been placed there by mistake.