Frank Pallone, Jr. was sworn in for his 17th full term in the U.S. House of Representatives on January 3, 2021. Pallone represents New Jersey's Sixth Congressional District, which includes most of Middlesex County as well as the Bayshore and oceanfront areas of Monmouth County.
Throughout his career, Pallone has fought to make health care more affordable and accessible, protect and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, and make the country’s food system safer. Pallone has fought to protect New Jersey’s environment, and ensure that all residents can enjoy the National Recreation Area at Sandy Hook. He has also championed issues that are important to the state's commercial and recreational fishing industries.
Congressman Pallone is committed to protecting the programs that seniors rely on, like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, while also making them stronger and more secure.
Congressman Pallone opposes Republican efforts to end the Medicare guarantee and provide vouchers to seniors. Turning Medicare seniors over to private insurance companies would break the underlying promise of the system and ultimately end up costing seniors more.
He also opposed block granting Medicaid funding to states because of the impact on nursing homes and home health care.Medicaid is the financing mechanism for most nursing home patients and the quality of nursing home care would severely suffer.
Social Security
Congress created Social Security as a promise to Americans that they or their loved ones would have a source of income when they retired, were widowed, or disabled. For the past 75 years, it has lived up to this promise. Congressman Pallone opposes all efforts to privatize Social Security
Congressman Pallone is a cosponsor of H.R. 1902 – Social Security 2100 Act (Larsen, D-CT) which would provide a modest across the board benefit increase andadjust for a more robust cost of living formula.. He also supports H.R. 1205 – Social Security Fairness Act, which would repeal the government pension offset and windfall elimination provisions from social security benefits.