Frank Pallone, Jr. was sworn in for his 17th full term in the U.S. House of Representatives on January 3, 2021. Pallone represents New Jersey's Sixth Congressional District, which includes most of Middlesex County as well as the Bayshore and oceanfront areas of Monmouth County.
Throughout his career, Pallone has fought to make health care more affordable and accessible, protect and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, and make the country’s food system safer. Pallone has fought to protect New Jersey’s environment, and ensure that all residents can enjoy the National Recreation Area at Sandy Hook. He has also championed issues that are important to the state's commercial and recreational fishing industries.
Congressman Pallone believes we can grow the American economy and restore the American dream for all by raising wages, strengthening workplace protections, and investing in our national infrastructure.
Tax System:
Congressman Pallone opposed the partisan Republican tax plan, and voted no when it was considered by the House of Representatives. The newly enacted law disproportionately benefits the wealthy and sets caps on state and local tax deductions and reduces the mortgage interest deduction – changes that negatively affect New Jerseyans. The tax scam raises the national deficit by $1.5 trillion.
Congressman Pallone believes the American tax system should serve all Americans by growing our economy and supporting the middle class and those who aspire to reach it. He also believes that we should end unfair tax breaks that shield the wealthiest Americans from paying their fair share.
Investing in American Infrastructure:
Congressman Pallone advocates for strong federal investment to address our nation’s ailing infrastructure. He understands that it’s time to make real and significant investments for the future.
To that end, Congressman Pallone introduced The Leading Infrastructure For Tomorrow’s America Act, or LIFT America Act, which sets out five years of funding for essential infrastructure improvements, job growth, and greater protections for public health and the environment. The legislation would appropriate: