Congressman Frank Lucas is a fifth generation Oklahoman whose family has lived and farmed in Oklahoma for over 120 years. Born on January 6, 1960 in Cheyenne, Oklahoma, Lucas graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1982 with a degree in Agricultural Economics. He was first elected to the United States House of Representatives in a special election in 1994.
Lucas proudly represents Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District, which includes all or portions of 32 counties in northern and western Oklahoma, stretching from the Oklahoma panhandle to parts of Tulsa, and from Yukon to Altus in the southwest. It takes up almost half the state’s land mass and is one of the largest agricultural regions in the nation. Lucas has been a crusader for the American farmer since being elected to Congress in 1994 and he has fought to protect Oklahoma values.
The United States of America is a country founded by immigrants and built on their hard work and dedication to the idea of a country created by the people, for the people. But just as we are a Nation of immigrants, America is also a Nation of laws. Our current immigration system is broken and desperately needs comprehensive reforms.
Securing our border and protecting our citizens should be a top priority of the federal government. We must crack down on illegal immigration and those who employ illegal aliens without threatening the American dream for those who play by the rules. In Congress, I will work to support the United States Border Patrol and ensure they have the necessary tools to keep the American people safe.
I remain committed to supporting legislation that secures the U.S. – Mexico border and provides comprehensive visa reform for those seeking legal immigration.