Ed has deep roots in the 7th Congressional District and has lived in Jefferson County his entire life. His grandfather and father ran a concrete business (in what is now the 7th District) for decades. Ed attended Jefferson County public schools and then worked construction with his father during the summers while in law school at the University of Colorado. He chose to raise his family in the district where his three daughters also attended Jefferson County Public Schools. Ed currently lives in Arvada with his wife Nancy, a public school teacher, who also has three children who attended Jeffco public schools.
With many Coloradans feeling the squeeze of a growing economy and increased congestion, Ed believes we need a comprehensive infrastructure package in Colorado and across the country. Investments in infrastructure are a key component to our national economic growth. Addressing infrastructure means going beyond just roads and bridges and investing in all sorts of infrastructure in our communities, including transit, water projects, the electric grid, broadband and more.
The time is long overdue for Congress to address infrastructure in a bipartisan way with real investments in our communities to make a difference in the lives of hardworking families. This is an area of agreement between Democrats and Republicans, which is why Ed remains hopeful Congress can work with the President to pass a package this year.
A key component of any package Congress passes must be substantial federal funding to jumpstart other state, local, or innovative private financing. Ed is a supporter of proposals to create an infrastructure bank to provide loans to fund infrastructure projects. He also supports increased federal funding for the Highway Trust Fund and modernization of how we sustainably fund infrastructure moving forward.