David’s lifetime of service is defined by fighting for Equity of Opportunities. Whether he was helping Katrina evacuees resettle, creating educational exchanges and economic opportunities in his work at the City of Houston Mayor’s Office of International Affairs and Development, fighting for improved care and rehabilitation for service members and veterans suffering from spinal cord injuries, or advocating and lobbying for veterans and those with disabilities at the Colorado State Capitol; his servant leadership has been and is founded in fighting for that Equity of Opportunities for all.
As a first-generation American, David knows what the migrant community offers this nation David’s mother immigrated from Mexico when she was 15 and has continuously pursued the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. His father’s family has been in Texas since it was northern Mexico. David’s grandfather served in WWII in the infantry, and his father is an Air Force Academy graduate from the 1979 graduating class. David served as an Army Aviator after graduating from university. His family and their story is one of opportunity, hard work, and service to the place we all call home. Their story is living proof of what migrants continually give to a nation OF immigrants.
We need to stop speaking in sound bites and prioritize comprehensive immigration reform that will respect the dignity of migrants, our combat interpreters that have served and bled alongside our men and women in uniform, and refugees that seek a better life and have been the lifeblood of this country since its founding. We need to create a path to citizenship for DREAMERS and those law-abiding members whose only “crime” is seeking a better life through hard work. We need to oppose state-sanctioned kidnapping and separation of families. We need to offer true security at our borders and ports of entry that will prove an effective use of taxpayer’s investment that will stop the trafficking of humans, weapons, and drugs.