Claudia Tenney was first elected to serve as a member of the United States House of Representatives on November 8, 2016, after winning one of the most expensive races in the nation. As a freshman member of the 115th Congress, she served on the House Financial Services Committee.
Claudia was elected to the House of Representatives for a second time in November 2020, in what was yet again among the most expensive and competitive congressional races in the country.
Prior to her election in November 2016, Claudia served as a member of the New York State Assembly. She was first elected to the Assembly on November 2, 2010.
I have always fought for New York taxpayers. For America to remain competitive and free, our nation needs a straightforward tax code that encourages work, allows Americans to keep more of their earnings, and establishes competitive rates for employers. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which passed with my support in 2017, was the most significant tax reform legislation signed into law since Ronald Regan signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986. This once in a generation overhaul of the U.S. tax code lowered rates for individuals and businesses, encouraging significant investment and growth. While the legislation was not perfect, it was the first major step forward to ensure that America’s tax code fit the needs of our nation in the 21st century.
I am committed to expanding on the progress achieved by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This means forcefully opposing efforts by Congressional Democrats to raise taxes on American small businesses and family farms or manipulate our tax code to punish family formation and discourage work. I am also working to build upon the legislation’s successes, including by strengthening the child tax credit expansion and ensuring there is transparency and oversight into how taxpayer funds are used. Finally, we must never return to the days when the Internal Revenue Service was used to target Americans and civic organizations for political purposes.
In the 117th Congress, Democrats have proposed a range of new taxes, including creating a new tax on unrealized capital gains and methane emissions, reducing exemptions on the death tax, and drastically increasing the federal excise tax on tobacco products – a regressive tax that most severely impacts low-income Americans. These new burdens would harm Americans just as we emerge from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. I refuse to be a rubber stamp on punitive taxes that will reduce economic dynamism and weaken families and communities.
I have long campaigned for the rights and interests of New York taxpayers. In addition to advocating for low tax rates and commonsense proposals that strengthen American industry, this means fighting against new and onerous taxes and ensuring that the government uses tax revenue in ways that are transparent, accountable, and necessary. This effort is more critical now than ever, as Congress recently authorized trillions in new spending for COVID-19 relief measures.
Building on the Successes of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Revitalizing our Communities and Supporting our Families
Ensuring Taxpayer Protections
Opposing Onerous New Taxes on Businesses and Families