Rep. Maloney started her career as an ESL *English as a Second Language) teacher in East Harlem. When her program was cut, her colleagues elected her as their advocate to restore funding - and she succeeded, setting an example that has extended throughout her career, first working with the NYC Department of Education and then as a legislative staffer in Albany. After gaining that experience, in 1982 she ran a long-shot challenge to an incumbent City Council Member in a district that spanned East Harlem, South Bronx, Manhattan Valley, and Carnegie Hill - and she won an improbably upset.
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Since coming to Congress in 1992, Carolyn Maloney has served on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the main investigative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. This committee has jurisdiction to investigate any federal program and any matter with federal policy implications. Congresswoman Maloney also sits on the Government Operations subcommittee and previously served on the National Security Subcommittee and as the ranking member of the Subcommittee on the Census.
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney supports strong oversight and management of federal programs and taxpayer dollars. She has continuously fought to curtail gun trafficking, support the mission of the Census Bureau, reform the system that allowed private companies to underpay for oil extracted on federal lands, prevent further erosion of reproductive choice for women in America, and ensure the postal service remains solvent and continues its presence in our communities.
01/26/15 - H.R.532, Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act [114th Congress]
01/14/15 - H.Res. 32, Expressing the sense of the House of representatives that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee, as an entitiy of the United States Postal Service, should issue a commerative Stamp in honor of the holiday of Diwali. [114th Congress]
06/06/13 - H.R.2291, To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 450 Lexington Avenue in New York, New York, as the "Vincent R. Sombrotto Post Office" [Signed into law 08/08/14. 113th Congress]
05/9/13 - H.R.1942, Construction Quality Assurance Act [113th Congress]
02/5/13 - H.R.517, Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act [113th Congress]
01/25/13 - H.Res. 47, Expressing the sense of the House of representatives that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee, as an entitiy of the United States Postal Service, should issue a commerative Stamp in honor of the holiday of Diwali. [113th Congress]