I grew up in a little town outside of Flint, Michigan. My dad ran a trucking/logistics company with my grandpa, and my mom mostly raised myself and my sister. As my sister and I got older, my mom went back to school, eventually becoming a teacher in Flint, then a teacher and principal at a local Catholic school.
Clearly billionaires have figured SOMETHING out to make seemingly endless money. Unfortunately, that something is often exploitative, either of workers, the environment, the tax code, etc.
Housing, health care, even food are all getting SO expensive. People are falling further behind. We need to give average citizens the opportunity to build wealth that has only gone to the Top 1% for FAR too long.
Whole segments of our population are in a precarious place, where they want to improve their lives, get better jobs, but risk HUGE losses in aid if they do. We must stop penalizing those that want to improve their lives, but need a hand.