Congressman Barry Loudermilk, a Constitutional Conservative, represents northwest Georgia’s 11th Congressional District.
In the 117th Congress, Congressman Loudermilk serves as a member of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee, the Committee on House Administration, and the Joint Committee on the Library. He also serves as a member of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), a conservative caucus of House Republicans.
Before being elected to Congress in 2014, he was a small business owner for over 20 years. He also served in the Georgia State legislature for nine years.
As a father of three and a new grandfather, I care deeply about the future of our education system. America must excel in education, and we must understand that, for every advance we make in bettering our education system, we also make huge strides in securing our economic future.
The Student Success Act, H.R. 5 (Voted in Favor)
“Rep. Loudermilk believes the passage of the Student Success Act moves us in the right direction toward restoring power back to the states and allowing parents to choose what’s best for their children. Since no child is the same, parents and local school districts should have the flexibility to cater educational standards to the specific needs of each child. Students deserve better than an alphabet soup of federal mandates that remove parental and student control and require students to comply with nationalized testing standards."
“With an added amendment, this educational policy will be re-evaluated again in 2019, which will give Rep. Loudermilk and fellow House members’ time to work on further educational reforms to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed. While this isn’t the perfect bill, Rep. Loudermilk believes this Act will begin to restore the states’ role in education and give parents and students the ultimate say over their educational decisions.”
A PLUS Act, H.R. 3421 (Cosponsor)
Local Control of Education Act, H.R. 524 (Cosponsor)
Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to prohibit the federal government from directly or indirectly mandating, directing, controlling, incentivizing, or conditioning federal support on a state's, local educational agency's (LEA's), or school's adoption of: the Common Core State Standards, any other academic standards common to a number of states, or any statewide or nationally recognized content standards; or any assessment, instructional content, or curriculum aligned to, or based on, specific academic standards.
Barry Loudermilk is a passionate representative of the people, who fights daily to ensure our children have a nation that is free, safe and full of opportunity. Barry believes that the best days for America are ahead of us, but only if we return to the basic values of hard work, honesty, individual liberty and respect for each other.
Barry’s father, a World War II veteran and a construction worker, impressed upon his children the idea you can change things if you stand up for what is right. “If there is something you don’t like,” his father said, “you have two choices…do something to change the situation, or just accept the status quo and go on with your life, but never just complain.” These words of wisdom inspired Barry to public service, and they’re what drives him to work to change the culture in Washington, DC.