I became a doctor because my parents taught me that helping others is our highest calling. For more than twenty years, I have helped patients face and overcome their health challenges and go on to lead richer lives. I am running for Congress because CA-40 needs leaders who wake up every day to solve problems and actually help families in our district.
I know from my own work as a physician how expensive healthcare is for our families. I make it a rule in my practice– if a patient doesn’t have insurance, we won’t ask for payment. In Congress, I will fight to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and lower the cost of prescription drugs, so that everyone has the chance at a healthy life. However, Congresswoman Kim supports repealing the Affordable Care Act and has voted against legislation that would take on Big Pharma.
The cost of prescription drugs is a major impediment for many families. I support taking incremental steps to help improve affordability for many families–like lowering the age of Medicare to 50 and making it easier to produce generic drugs.