A lifelong Long Islander, Andrew has dedicated his life to family and community.
The proud son of a lawyer and small business owner, Andrew went to Sayville High School where he participated in student government and worked at the local hardware store. As a man of faith, Andrew received his communion and confirmation at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, where he still attends Mass every Sunday. After high school graduation, Andrew went on to receive his BA in history and classical humanities from The George Washington University. Andrew then returned to Long Island where he received his Juris Doctorate from Hofstra University.
The great people of New York’s 2nd Congressional District sent me to Washington because of my willingness to put self-interests aside and be a citizen legislator.
I firmly believe that what unites us as Americans is more than anything that may divide us. I joined the Problems Solvers Caucus in Congress to break through the gridlock of today’s politics and find commonsense solutions on behalf of Long Islanders.
I have been a staunch supporter and advocate for Congressional Reform and the implementation of Term Limits for both Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. With that goal in mind, I became an original co-sponsor of House Joint Resolution (H.J.Res.) 12, which proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to limit the number of terms that a Member of Congress may serve.
Here's how I’m fighting for Congress to work in a way that benefits NY-02: