Transportation and infrastructure upgrades are a pressing issue for our state.
Colorado’s economy and Colorado’s workers, students, visitors and retirees all depend on a modern, sustainable, multimodal transportation system. We cannot simply build more lanes and expect things to get better.
Transportation is not just a quality of life issue, it is also a social justice issue. Safe, clean, and efficient transportation is a shared interest across the political spectrum. I will work with others in order to find a bipartisan solution to the transportation crisis facing our state to rebuild our roads and bridges, decrease commute times, implement multimodal and public transportation solutions, increasing accessibility to cities and rural areas throughout our state. I support expanding and improving non-emergency medical transportation options for aging adults as well as people with pre-existing/chronic medical concerns.
I support bike commuting initiatives and bike share programs. I will work to ensure that affordable housing is built in areas where access to public transportation is made a priority. I have worked to ensure that bike trails (powerline trails) are considered whenever a transmission corridor is being sited or expanded.
I support a commuter/passenger rail system for the Front Range, and the regional collaboration that such a project will necessarily entail. Light-rail and other mass transit options must be a part of the conversation as we explore how to relieve congestion, improve air quality, and provide safe and accessible public transportation for residents in Northern Colorado.